Bug #7452
closedAdding a gateway from interfaces.php does not work
After pressing the Add button, actually the new gateway is not created.
It uses AJAX to system_gateways_edit but the code there now expects $_POST['save'] to be set.
Updated by Phillip Davis almost 8 years ago
Updated by Phillip Davis almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset f3278171b199062279225631903685e608285d3a.
Updated by Phillip Davis almost 8 years ago
See PR https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/pull/3697 for the same fix for adding an IPv6 gateway.
Updated by Dan Lundqvist over 7 years ago
- File IPv4_1.jpg IPv4_1.jpg added
- File IPv4_2.jpg IPv4_2.jpg added
- File IPv4_3.jpg IPv4_3.jpg added
- File IPv6_1.jpg IPv6_1.jpg added
- File IPv6_2.jpg IPv6_2.jpg added
- File IPv6_3.jpg IPv6_3.jpg added
I have tested both IPv4 and IPv6 PR corrections running on fresh "pfSense-CE-2.4.0-BETA-amd64-20170623-1439.iso" install in Virtualbox on amd64.
I used the IP examples from https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=128489.0 with and GW for IPv4
and my own personal IPv6 through TUNNELBROKER. Both gateways was added successfully to the Routing page and was set as defaultgw.
Also verified with "netstat -rn" that they are in fact default gw in the system.
HOWEVER, I had a small issue with a crash seen after adding the IPv4, which was pushed to developers through GUI.
Have repeated it twice. I also seen with IPv6.
In my opinion, I think the PR (the ajax update) that has been supplied for IPv4 and IPv6 seems to work OK so
I think this ticket could be put to OK in that sense HOWEVER, a new #7659 has been created for the program
crash caused by defining IPv4 incl. gateway. Seems like the data in "$gateway_settings4" or "$gateway_settings6"
that is sent to function "save_gateway" in gw.inc is not equal to what it expects.
The error is as follows:
amd64 11.0-RELEASE-p10
FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p10 #141 b9f3af6b8a6(RELENG_2_4): Fri Jun 23 14:46:52 CDT 2017 root@buildbot2.netgate.com:/builder/ce/tmp/obj/builder/ce/tmp/FreeBSD-src/sys/pfSense
Crash report details:
PHP Errors:
[24-Jun-2017 16:20:30 Europe/Stockholm] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /etc/inc/gwlb.inc on line 1739
[24-Jun-2017 16:20:30 Europe/Stockholm] PHP Stack trace:
[24-Jun-2017 16:20:30 Europe/Stockholm] PHP 1. {main}() /usr/local/www/interfaces.php:0
[24-Jun-2017 16:20:30 Europe/Stockholm] PHP 2. save_gateway() /usr/local/www/interfaces.php:1473
No FreeBSD crash data found.
The coding in gw.inc where the error occurs.
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /etc/inc/gwlb.inc on line 1739
(the foreach row)
if ($gateway_settings['defaultgw'] "yes" || $gateway_settings['defaultgw'] "on") {
$i = 0;
/* remove the default gateway bits for all gateways with the same address family */
foreach ($a_gateway_item as $gw) {
if ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == $gw['ipprotocol']) {
if ($gw['interface'] != $gateway_settings['interface'] && $gw['defaultgw']) {
$reloadif = $gw['interface'];
$gateway['defaultgw'] = true;
PHP 2. save_gateway() /usr/local/www/interfaces.php:1473
if ($_POST['gatewayip4']) {
The data in interfaces for "$gatewayip4" is the following in interfaces.php
if ($_POST['gatewayip4']) {
// The user wants to add an IPv4 gateway - validate the settings
$gateway_settings4 = array();
$gateway_settings4['name'] = $_POST['gatewayname4'];
$gateway_settings4['interface'] = $_POST['if'];
$gateway_settings4['gateway'] = $_POST['gatewayip4'];
$gateway_settings4['descr'] = $_POST['gatewaydescr4'];
$gateway_settings4['defaultgw'] = $_POST['defaultgw4'];
Problem (crash) seems to happen every time you save the settings for IPv4 but also on IPv6 (row 1477 in "interfaces.php").
Best regards
Dan Lundqvist
Updated by Dan Lundqvist over 7 years ago
As mentioned by Philip Davis in #7659 the fix for the crash has now been implemented in https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/pull/3764
and I have now verified this working OK with 2.4.0-BETA (amd64) built on Wed Jun 28 16:02:43 CDT 2017.
As I previously wrote:
"In my opinion, I think the PR (the ajax update) that has been supplied for IPv4 and IPv6 seems to work OK so I think this ticket could be put to OK."
I think this has been fixed and this ticket can be closed unless someone else has any objections!?
Best regards
Dan Lundqvist
Stockholm, Sweden