Bug #8927
closedPFsense 2.4.4 FreeRadius and Captive Portal Quota Problems
Please I think the developers should look at the pfsense Captive Portal and FreeRadius Authentication very well. Apart from the MAC Address Authentication quota not working this evening I updated the pfsense 2.4.4-RC and the Username and Password quota too is not working with the FreeRadius authentication.
I assigned 1024MB to a User in the FreeRadius and the User used more the 1024MB assigned to him. I checked the system log->freeradius, this is what I saw
"Sep 21 19:43:13 root FreeRADIUS: User stephen has used 0 MB of 1024 MB Daily allotted traffic. The login request was accepted."
Also another User when I checked system log-> freeradius, this is what I saw
"No logs to display."
I think it should be looked at it.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 6 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
Azamat Khakimyanov) - Priority changed from Urgent to Low
- Affected Architecture All added
- Affected Architecture deleted (
Updated by A FL over 6 years ago
As mentioned on the forum ( https://forum.netgate.com/topic/135679/pfsense-2-4-4-freeradius-mac-address-authentication-qouta ) it may be a configuration (or maybe documentation?) issue.
That said, I think that the FreeRadius package should inform the captive portal for the users traffic quota (using pfSense-Total-Max-Octets
). It does not currently.
This way, captive portal quota using FreeRadius package would work even if "Reauthenticate users" is disabled.
Updated by A FL over 6 years ago
Multiple users have negative feedback (see #8989 ).
I submited another PR to fix the issue : https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/pull/579
Updated by Jim Pingle over 6 years ago
To make sure someone doesn't get the wrong idea based on that last note:
The errors mentioned above are covered in #8989 and were fixed with a separate PR. The fixes for this issue were not reverted, so they can still be tested with the updated FreeRADIUS package.
Updated by Anonymous over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.4.4-GS to 2.4.4-p1
Updated by Anonymous over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.4.4-p1 to 2.4.4-GS
Updated by A FL over 6 years ago
Seems good to me now. It can be marked as resolved