Bug #9758
closeddhcpleases does not handle spaces in DHCP lease hostnames
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Some not-particularly-well-behaved DHCP clients put spaces in the hostname. For example:
lease xx.xx.32.103 { starts 5 2019/09/13 12:40:41; ends 5 2019/09/13 14:40:41; cltt 5 2019/09/13 12:40:41; binding state active; next binding state free; rewind binding state free; hardware ethernet 40:d2:8a:xx:xx:xx; uid "\001@\322\212\261\223\271"; client-hostname "Nintendo 3DS"; } lease xx.xx.32.103 { starts 5 2019/09/13 12:40:41; ends 5 2019/09/13 12:40:55; tstp 5 2019/09/13 12:40:55; cltt 5 2019/09/13 12:40:41; binding state free; hardware ethernet 40:d2:8a:xx:xx:xx; uid "\001@\322\212\261\223\271"; }
The GUI handling of these was addressed in #3500, but dhcpleases is only using the first word of the hostname:
: grep -i nintendo /var/unbound/dhcpleases_entries.conf local-data: " IN A xx.xx.32.103" local-data-ptr: "xx.xx.32.103"
In this case, the space should probably be removed or replaced by another character valid for hostnames in DNS, such as -
Updated by Renato Botelho about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
dhcpleases 0.4 should fix it
Updated by Anonymous almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved