



Bug #3500


DHCP Leases List Not Showing Hostname in Some Cases

Added by David Justl almost 11 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

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The DHCP leases list shows a blank in the hostname field for some leases, even though the log shows that a hostname was received at registration. The hostnames also do appear in the /var/dhcpd/var/db/dhcpd.leases file, which is parsed to create the GUI list. The problem appears to be in the parsing logic, where the record separator is set to be a close brace, '}'. In some cases, a record may include a 'uid' value that contains a close brace:

lease {
starts 2 2014/03/04 21:02:04;
ends 2 2014/03/04 22:02:04;
cltt 2 2014/03/04 21:02:04;
binding state active;
next binding state free;
rewind binding state free;
hardware ethernet 00:11:22:33:44:55;
uid "\001\020x\322\367\333}";
client-hostname "MyHost";

This breaks the parsing for that record and causes the lease list to show a blank hostname.


Actions #1

Updated by Phillip Davis almost 11 years ago

Had a quick look at this. The relevant original code in /usr/local/www/status_dhcp_leases.dhcp is:
$splitpattern = "'BEGIN { RS=\"}\";} {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf \"%s \", \$i; printf \"}\\n\";}'";

That splits records based on any "}" in the file. Not so good when "}" appears somewhere in the data.

I thought matching "}" plus "\n" would fix it:
$splitpattern = "'BEGIN { RS=\"}\\n\";} {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf \"%s \", \$i; printf \"}\\n\";}'";

or looking for "\n" first:
$splitpattern = "'BEGIN { RS=\"\\n}\";} {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf \"%s \", \$i; printf \"}\\n\";}'";

or looking for "\n" then "}" then "\n":
$splitpattern = "'BEGIN { RS=\"\\n}\\n\";} {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf \"%s \", \$i; printf \"}\\n\";}'";

but everything I did seemed to only use the first char in RS.

The pfSense/FreeBSD "awk" seems to only take notice of the first char in RS. I tried to use "/usr/bin/gawk" - that should allow multiple chars in RS - but it is not anywhere to be found on pfSense distributions.

It could all be done in a PHP loop instead of using "awk". But that will use more CPU. If there is some other easy way to fix up the "awk" code that would be good.

Actions #2

Updated by Chris Buechler over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • Affected Version changed from 2.1 to All
Actions #3

Updated by Totio Katunio about 6 years ago

This bug with the } symbol in some UID fields and the missing hostname in the Web UI is still presented in version 2.4.4-RELEASE-p1
I created a small fix for this particular issue - PR:

Actions #4

Updated by Joshua Sign about 6 years ago

Phillip Davis wrote:

It could all be done in a PHP loop instead of using "awk".

It should be better and easier, for sure. A simple file_get_contents(dhcpd.leases) and a loop on each lines can do the job.
I really don't know why using an exec...

@Totio Katunio :
According to the man page about 'uid' field : it can contains any printable chars or octal representation of non-printables chars :

The client identifier is recorded as a colon-separated hexadecimal list or as a quoted string. 
If it is recorded as a quoted string and it contains one or more non-printable characters, 
those characters are represented as octal escapes - a backslash character followed by three octal digits.

So this issue is about a '}' but your solution implies usage of '#' that could also be in the uid field, isn't it ?
Not sure about that, but a solution that not depend about the chars in any field may be safer.

I just test somes commands line to get the same output as expected in normal behavior, wich is this output for my examples :

cat test_leases.txt | awk '{ gsub("#.*", "");} { gsub(";", ""); print;}' | awk 'BEGIN{ RS="}";} {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf "%s ", $i; printf "}\n";}'
lease { starts 1 2011/09/1 14:01:31 ends 2 2011/09/2 14:01:31 tstp 4 2011/09/4 14:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:0c:76:8b:c5:20 uid "\002\000\014\213\304\026" client-hostname "paul" }
lease { starts 3 2011/08/3 12:03:29 ends 4 2011/08/4 12:03:29 tstp 6 2011/08/6 12:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:07:E9:74:7D:78 uid "\021\010\014\213\304\026" client-hostname "jeff" }
lease { starts 5 2011/08/5 08:03:11 ends 6 2011/09/6 09:03:11 tstp 8 2011/09/8 09:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:07:E9:74:7D:81 uid "\001\010\014\213\104\026" client-hostname "steve" }
lease { starts 2 2004/09/2 14:01:31 ends 3 2005/09/3 14:01:31 tstp 5 2006/09/5 23:17:32 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 22:0c:56:8b:c4:01 uid "\001\010\024\213\304\026" client-hostname "tim" }

I introduce the '}' and the '#' chars in some uids.
And finally compare results :

Original code : break output by the '}' and the '#'

cat test_leases.txt | awk '{ gsub("#.*", "");} { gsub(";", ""); print;}' | awk 'BEGIN{ RS="}";} {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf "%s ", $i; printf "}\n";}'
lease { starts 1 2011/09/1 14:01:31 ends 2 2011/09/2 14:01:31 tstp 4 2011/09/4 14:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:0c:76:8b:c5:20 uid "\002\000\014\213\304\026" client-hostname "paul" }
lease { starts 3 2011/08/3 12:03:29 ends 4 2011/08/4 12:03:29 tstp 6 2011/08/6 12:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:07:E9:74:7D:78 uid "\021\010\014\213\304\026 }
" client-hostname "jeff" }
lease { starts 5 2011/08/5 08:03:11 ends 6 2011/09/6 09:03:11 tstp 8 2011/09/8 09:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:07:E9:74:7D:81 uid "\001\010\014 client-hostname "steve" }
lease { starts 2 2004/09/2 14:01:31 ends 3 2005/09/3 14:01:31 tstp 5 2006/09/5 23:17:32 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 22:0c:56:8b:c4:01 uid "\001\010\024\213\304\026" client-hostname "tim" }

Your workaround : breaked by '#' char only

cat test_leases.txt | awk '{ gsub("#.*", "");} { gsub(";", ""); print;}' | sed 's/^}/#/g' | awk 'BEGIN{ RS="#";} {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf "%s ", $i; printf "}\n";}'
lease { starts 1 2011/09/1 14:01:31 ends 2 2011/09/2 14:01:31 tstp 4 2011/09/4 14:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:0c:76:8b:c5:20 uid "\002\000\014\213\304\026" client-hostname "paul" }
lease { starts 3 2011/08/3 12:03:29 ends 4 2011/08/4 12:03:29 tstp 6 2011/08/6 12:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:07:E9:74:7D:78 uid "\021\010\014\213\304\026}" client-hostname "jeff" }
lease { starts 5 2011/08/5 08:03:11 ends 6 2011/09/6 09:03:11 tstp 8 2011/09/8 09:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:07:E9:74:7D:81 uid "\001\010\014 client-hostname "steve" }
lease { starts 2 2004/09/2 14:01:31 ends 3 2005/09/3 14:01:31 tstp 5 2006/09/5 23:17:32 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 22:0c:56:8b:c4:01 uid "\001\010\024\213\304\026" client-hostname "tim" }

A better workaround should be this command line, wich output seems to be as expected :

cat test_leases.txt | sed '/^#/ d' | sed '/^$/ d' | perl -ne 's/^(..+)\n$/$1 /g; print;' | tr ';' ' ' | perl -ne 's/\s\s+/ /g; print;' ; echo "}" ;
lease { starts 1 2011/09/1 14:01:31 ends 2 2011/09/2 14:01:31 tstp 4 2011/09/4 14:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:0c:76:8b:c5:20 uid "\002\000\014\213\304\026" client-hostname "paul" }
lease { starts 3 2011/08/3 12:03:29 ends 4 2011/08/4 12:03:29 tstp 6 2011/08/6 12:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:07:E9:74:7D:78 uid "\021\010\014\213\304\026}" client-hostname "jeff" }
lease { starts 5 2011/08/5 08:03:11 ends 6 2011/09/6 09:03:11 tstp 8 2011/09/8 09:00:00 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 00:07:E9:74:7D:81 uid "\001\010\014#\213\104\026" client-hostname "steve" }
lease { starts 2 2004/09/2 14:01:31 ends 3 2005/09/3 14:01:31 tstp 5 2006/09/5 23:17:32 binding state active next binding state free hardware ethernet 22:0c:56:8b:c4:01 uid "\001\010\024\213\304\026" client-hostname "tim" }

I use perl because i can't achieve this with awk regexp using crlf.
Unfortunately, i don't use dhcp over my pfsense actually, and i can't really test it, but the line 120 of the file '/usr/local/www/status_dhcp_leases.php' can be replaced by something like :

exec("/bin/cat {$leasesfile} | /usr/bin/sed '/^#/ d' | /usr/bin/sed '/^\$/ d' | /usr/local/bin/perl -ne 's/^(..+)\\n\$/\$1 /g; print;' | /usr/bin/tr ';' ' ' | /usr/local/bin/perl -ne 's/\\s\\s+/ /g; print;' ; echo \"}\";", $leases_content);

Corresponding in my command line above.


Actions #5

Updated by Totio Katunio about 6 years ago

Well, I agree, but at least my proposal doesn't break the overall logic, the current code base already strips the # symbols, before I reuse it for the lease blocks, so it is not a regression, but an improvement (still not a complete one). This was the fastest/simplest way to fix it, without using too much more magic :)

Your solution is better, but I guess that we should test it directly on the pfSense host, since the tools there are pretty outdated (awk is a 2012 build binary).

PS: Also introducing perl, makes the pipeline execution slower but I tested it and it works ok. Maybe it will be a bit noticeable with more leases.
PS2: The usage of tr is also unsafe in the same regard as the # cleanup (';' is also a possible char for the uid)

Actions #6

Updated by Joshua Sign about 6 years ago

Hi Totio,

As i didn't find a way to correctly handle '\r' or '\n' with awk or sed, i switch to perl which can play with complex regexp,
even if its a little bit slower (need to be tested in real conditions), at least the results are corrects.

You are right to point the problem about tr usage and the possible usage of ';' char in uid field : i just missed it.

Here is a new version of the command line : 'tr' part removed and taking account that only ';' followed by '\n' will be deleted :

cat test_leases.txt | sed '/^#/ d' | sed '/^$/ d' | perl -ne 's/^(..+)(({)|;)+\n$/$1$3 /g; print;' | perl -ne 's/\s\s+/ /g; print;' ; echo "}" :

About the time to process, i put 4780 entries in my test_leases.txt :
- perl : about 0.218 seconds
- awk : about 0.124 seconds

So you are right : using perl is slower than awk.

But is it really significant for common usages ?
I supposed that many people don't have so much dhcp leases entries, but most probably 20 times less.

Actions #7

Updated by Totio Katunio about 6 years ago

Hi Joshua,
ok, so do you want me to close the current PR. I guess that you can make new PR with your implementation?

Actions #8

Updated by Joshua Sign about 6 years ago

I am not able to test this because i dont use this service.
I was just trying to help about this subject to find the best way to avoid furthers errors.

I think you should keep the PR and wait opinions of managers like Jim.
They will give you their advice and you'll be able to adapt the PR.


Actions #9

Updated by Renato Botelho over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Renato Botelho
  • Target version set to 2.5.0
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

I've reimplemented the function that parses dhcpd.leases

Actions #10

Updated by Jim Pingle over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Assigned

Looks OK for the most part, though I do have one weird device that doesn't match in the leases database vs what is displayed in the GUI.

GUI shows the hostname as "Nintendo.<my domain>" but the lease DB has:

lease x.x.x.x {
  client-hostname "Nintendo 3DS";

Since a space isn't valid in a hostname, I'm not sure what the best course of action is here. Using only the first word seems like it could be problematic. Perhaps replace spaces with dashes or remove them.

Actions #11

Updated by Jim Pingle over 5 years ago

  • Category changed from Web Interface to DHCP (IPv4)
Actions #12

Updated by Renato Botelho over 5 years ago

Jim Pingle wrote:

Looks OK for the most part, though I do have one weird device that doesn't match in the leases database vs what is displayed in the GUI.

GUI shows the hostname as "Nintendo.<my domain>" but the lease DB has:


Since a space isn't valid in a hostname, I'm not sure what the best course of action is here. Using only the first word seems like it could be problematic. Perhaps replace spaces with dashes or remove them.

Can you test it again? I added a space on an entry here and it worked as expected. Take a look at the screenshot from status_dhcp_releases.php

Actions #13

Updated by Jim Pingle over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to In Progress

I'm not seeing any change here:

Lease DB:

lease xx.xx.32.103 {
  starts 5 2019/09/13 12:40:41;
  ends 5 2019/09/13 14:40:41;
  cltt 5 2019/09/13 12:40:41;
  binding state active;
  next binding state free;
  rewind binding state free;
  hardware ethernet 40:d2:8a:xx:xx:xx;
  uid "\001@\322\212\261\223\271";
  client-hostname "Nintendo 3DS";
lease xx.xx.32.103 {
  starts 5 2019/09/13 12:40:41;
  ends 5 2019/09/13 12:40:55;
  tstp 5 2019/09/13 12:40:55;
  cltt 5 2019/09/13 12:40:41;
  binding state free;
  hardware ethernet 40:d2:8a:xx:xx:xx;
  uid "\001@\322\212\261\223\271";


     xx.xx.32.103     40:d2:8a:xx:xx:xx (Nintendo)         2019/09/13 12:40:41     2019/09/13 12:40:55     online     expired


: grep -i nintendo /var/unbound/dhcpleases_entries.conf 
local-data: " IN A xx.xx.32.103" 
local-data-ptr: "xx.xx.32.103" 

Actions #14

Updated by Jim Pingle over 5 years ago

It looks like dhcpleases having the wrong name is the problem here. The page is only displaying the result it received from gethostbyaddr() around line 697 since the last entry for that lease had no hostname. And from what I posted above, it looks like dhcpleases put in only the first word of the hostname.

If I bring the problem device online it shows in the list with the space in the name. So this is probably actually solved, unless you want to handle the dhcpleases part here. Or we can split that off into a new issue.

Actions #15

Updated by Renato Botelho over 5 years ago

Jim Pingle wrote:

It looks like dhcpleases having the wrong name is the problem here. The page is only displaying the result it received from gethostbyaddr() around line 697 since the last entry for that lease had no hostname. And from what I posted above, it looks like dhcpleases put in only the first word of the hostname.

If I bring the problem device online it shows in the list with the space in the name. So this is probably actually solved, unless you want to handle the dhcpleases part here. Or we can split that off into a new issue.

Another ticket is better in my opinion. The main reported issue here is fixed.

Actions #16

Updated by Jim Pingle over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

OK, I'll make one shortly. Closing this.

Actions #17

Updated by Jim Pingle over 5 years ago

dhcpleases issue moved over to #9758


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