

badon _

  • Login: badon
  • Registered on: 09/22/2013
  • Last connection: 12/21/2015


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Reported issues 0 11 11



01:18 AM pfSense Bug #3819: Firewall Rule Basics documentation dangerously misleading
This is still not resolved. It still has incorrect information. badon _


07:26 PM pfSense Bug #5664: Status: Dashboard traffic graphs collapse themselves, no way to save graph configuration
I have difficulty using the pfSense forums because I use Tor to access the internet, and Tor IP's are blocked at foru... badon _
07:13 PM pfSense Bug #5664: Status: Dashboard traffic graphs collapse themselves, no way to save graph configuration
pfSense version: 2.2.5-RELEASE (i386)
Browsers tested: Google Chrome PortableApps (47.0.2526.80, and older), Firefox...
badon _
04:24 AM pfSense Bug #5664 (Not a Bug): Status: Dashboard traffic graphs collapse themselves, no way to save graph configuration
Status: Dashboard traffic graphs are collapsible, and only 1 graph is expanded when the dashboard is first loaded. Th... badon _
07:22 PM pfSense Bug #5661: Gateways should be able to use the same alternative monitor IP
Actually, I DO want to do that. Also, the same destination but different origin are distinct from each other. If ther... badon _
03:08 AM pfSense Bug #5661 (Rejected): Gateways should be able to use the same alternative monitor IP
In "System: Gateways: Edit gateway", if you enter an alternative monitor IP that is also configured for another gatew... badon _
04:18 AM pfSense Bug #4766: "URL Table (IPs)" and "URL (IPs)" do not work when text file is hosted on a fresh install of pfSense
I have discovered a workaround for this problem. I'm not sure if it's a feature or a bug, so I made a separate report... badon _
04:17 AM pfSense Feature #5663 (Rejected): Aliases should be enterable in a new-line-separated list in a multi-line box form field
If I have a list of IP addresses I want to use in an alias, the obvious way to enter them is with the URL or URL Tabl... badon _
04:08 AM pfSense Bug #5662 (Rejected): Difficult to find System: Gateways configuration page
You would you could find the "System: Gateways" configuration page in a "Gateways" link under the "System" menu drop-... badon _
03:08 AM pfSense Feature #1189: Gateway: Multiple monitor ips
I had a very difficult-to-debug outage on one of my gateways. Ping through gateway worked fine, and it took me a whol... badon _

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