

Marco Verleun

  • Login: mverleun
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  • Registered on: 10/20/2014
  • Last connection: 01/29/2018


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 4 5



02:47 PM pfSense Packages Bug #8258 (Resolved): BIND responds with SERVFAIL when adding/changing records if 'allow-update' is configured for a zone
When a proper functioning bind server is running fine for a zone with 'allow-update' enabled for local-nets it is pos... Marco Verleun


09:47 AM pfSense Packages Bug #6736 (Closed): Snort fails to start after upgrade to 2.3.2-RELEASE
After upgrading to 2.3.2-Release from 2.3.1-5 snort fails to start with a FATAL error: Aug 22 11:20:01 pfSense snort[... Marco Verleun


02:01 PM pfSense Packages Bug #4097 (Not a Bug): Unable to restart Postfix
Postfix seems disabled but can't enabled.
When trying to restart Postfix from the GUI nothing seems to happen. The c...
Marco Verleun


02:57 AM pfSense Packages Bug #3962: LADVD interface handling issues with lagg and bridge
My thoughts are that it is a GUI issue. I believe that only the physical interfaces should be shown. Marco Verleun


10:04 AM pfSense Packages Bug #3962 (Confirmed): LADVD interface handling issues with lagg and bridge
On my pfsense 2.1.5 router I've got LADVD installed.
Two physical interfaces are bridged.
As long as I only selec...
Marco Verleun


01:58 PM pfSense Bug #3946 (Resolved): Disabling RAM Disk doesn't remove schedule from /etc/crontab if schedules aren't disabled
pfSense version: 2.1.5-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Mon Aug 25 07:44:45 EDT 2014
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p16
After ena...
Marco Verleun

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