Bug #10295
closedUnescaped characters in dhcp-client-identifier prevent DHCPD from starting on interface
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The following is allowed by the webgui in a static mapping: Client Identifier: 32" Sony Trinitron
That creates a configuration that cannot be loaded:
host s_lan_0 { hardware ethernet 01:02:03:04:05:06; option dhcp-client-identifier "32" Sony Trinitron"; option host-name "32-Sony"; option domain-name-servers; }
Updated by Viktor Gurov almost 5 years ago
This fix replaces the double quote character with '"':
There is no issue with other special characters (',./!@#$%^&*()~)
Updated by Jim Pingle almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Pull Request Review
- Target version set to 2.5.0
Updated by Renato Botelho almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Pull Request Review to Feedback
- Assignee set to Renato Botelho
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
PR has been merged. Thanks!
Updated by Viktor Gurov almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
fine on 2.5.0.a.20200319.0930