



Bug #10800


Multi WAN Load Balancing does not work on 2.5.0.a.20200729.0650

Added by Dmitry Fill almost 4 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

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Version: 2.5.0.a.20200729.0650

Tried to follow documentation to setup multi WAN with Load Balancing

1. Two WAN Connections created with static IPv4 assigned by providers
2. Gateway Group is created with both WAN connections set to Tier1
3. In System / Routing / Gateways - added Monitor IP for each gateway
4. In System / General Setup - Added public DNS for each Gateway ( for one & for second)
5. In Firewall / Rules / LAN - Edited default rule for IPv4 protocol setting Gateway to Gateway Group created at step #2.
Both WAN connections are online

Tried to do
`curl` - does not matter how many times run, still connection goes over WAN1 and I get a public IP of WAN1.
Tried to
- start multiple 4K/8K Youtube streams, on client machine on LAN, seems all still go through WAN1

Actions #1

Updated by Jim Pingle almost 4 years ago

  • Category set to Multi-WAN
  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Target version deleted (2.5.0)

There is not enough information here to rule out a configuration issue or a problem with your test methodology. This site is not for support or diagnostic discussion.

For assistance in solving problems, please post on the Netgate Forum or the pfSense Subreddit .

See Reporting Issues with pfSense Software for more information.

Actions #2

Updated by Dmitry Fill almost 4 years ago

Thank you Jim. I got redirected here after clicking link "Give Feedback" on documentation section of "Multiple WAN Connections". Will use forum to describe the problem and see advice.

Actions #3

Updated by Adam Goldberg almost 4 years ago

Dmitry Fill wrote:

Version: 2.5.0.a.20200729.0650

Tried to follow documentation to setup multi WAN with Load Balancing

1. Two WAN Connections created with static IPv4 assigned by providers
2. Gateway Group is created with both WAN connections set to Tier1
3. In System / Routing / Gateways - added Monitor IP for each gateway
4. In System / General Setup - Added public DNS for each Gateway ( for one & for second)
5. In Firewall / Rules / LAN - Edited default rule for IPv4 protocol setting Gateway to Gateway Group created at step #2.
Both WAN connections are online

Tried to do
`curl` - does not matter how many times run, still connection goes over WAN1 and I get a public IP of WAN1.
Tried to
- start multiple 4K/8K Youtube streams, on client machine on LAN, seems all still go through WAN1

I am experiencing the same issue. When I revert to 2.4.5p1 with the same configuration the issue resolves. Gateways with equal weights in a gateway group default to the first gateway added.

Actions #4

Updated by Layla Mah about 3 years ago

I am also experiencing the same issue. Failover works, but load balancing does not work -- all packets go through the first interface in the interface group unless the first interface is down.

It seems several other people have also reported this bug on the forums:

I think it's very fair to assume Netgate introduced a regression in 2.5.0, and Adam Goldberg clearly gave context about his repro steps and test methodology.

NOTE: I have "Sticky Connections" disabled.


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