Bug #11017
closedIncorrect synchronizetoip value causing XMLRPC errors
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Plus Target Version:
Release Notes:
Affected Version:
Affected Architecture:
install or updating stunnel 5.50_5
was working on the previus version
Crash report begins. Anonymous machine information:
FreeBSD 11.3-STABLE #243 abf8cba50ce(RELENG_2_4_5): Tue Jun 2 17:53:37 EDT 2020
Crash report details:
PHP Errors:
[30-Oct-2020 12:01:32 Europe/Rome] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught XML_RPC2_InvalidUriException: Client URI 'https://:@:8443/xmlrpc.php' is not valid in /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Client.php:167
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Backend/Php/Client.php(80): XML_RPC2_Client->__construct('https://:@:8443...', Array)
#1 /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Client.php(238): XML_RPC2_Backend_Php_Client->__construct('https://:@:8443...', Array)
#2 /etc/inc/ XML_RPC2_Client::create('https://:@:8443...', Array)
#3 /etc/inc/ pfsense_xmlrpc_client->xmlrpc_internal('merge_installed...', Array, 100)
#4 /usr/local/pkg/ pfsense_xmlrpc_client->xmlrpc_method('merge_installed...', Array, 100)
#5 /usr/local/pkg/ stunnel_do_xmlrpc_sync('', '8443', 'https', '', '', 100)
#6 /usr/local/pkg/ stunnel_sync_config()
#7 /etc/inc/ : eval()'d code(1): stunnel_save()
#8 /etc/inc/ eval()
#9 /etc/inc/ eval_once('stunnel_save();')
#10 /etc in /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Client.php on line 167
[30-Oct-2020 12:01:34 Europe/Rome] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught XML_RPC2_InvalidUriException: Client URI 'https://:@:8443/xmlrpc.php' is not valid in /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Client.php:167
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Backend/Php/Client.php(80): XML_RPC2_Client->__construct('https://:@:8443...', Array)
#1 /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Client.php(238): XML_RPC2_Backend_Php_Client->__construct('https://:@:8443...', Array)
#2 /etc/inc/ XML_RPC2_Client::create('https://:@:8443...', Array)
#3 /etc/inc/ pfsense_xmlrpc_client->xmlrpc_internal('merge_installed...', Array, 100)
#4 /usr/local/pkg/ pfsense_xmlrpc_client->xmlrpc_method('merge_installed...', Array, 100)
#5 /usr/local/pkg/ stunnel_do_xmlrpc_sync('', '8443', 'https', '', '', 100)
#6 /usr/local/pkg/ stunnel_sync_config()
#7 /etc/inc/ : eval()'d code(1): stunnel_save()
#8 /etc/inc/ eval()
#9 /etc/rc.start_packages(63): sync_package('stunnel')
#10 {main}
t in /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Client.php on line 167
[30-Oct-2020 12:03:00 Europe/Rome] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught XML_RPC2_InvalidUriException: Client URI 'https://:@:8443/xmlrpc.php' is not valid in /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Client.php:167
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Backend/Php/Client.php(80): XML_RPC2_Client->__construct('https://:@:8443...', Array)
#1 /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Client.php(238): XML_RPC2_Backend_Php_Client->__construct('https://:@:8443...', Array)
#2 /etc/inc/ XML_RPC2_Client::create('https://:@:8443...', Array)
#3 /etc/inc/ pfsense_xmlrpc_client->xmlrpc_internal('merge_installed...', Array, 100)
#4 /usr/local/pkg/ pfsense_xmlrpc_client->xmlrpc_method('merge_installed...', Array, 100)
#5 /usr/local/pkg/ stunnel_do_xmlrpc_sync('', '8443', 'https', '', '', 100)
#6 /usr/local/pkg/ stunnel_sync_config()
#7 /etc/inc/ : eval()'d code(1): stunnel_save()
#8 /etc/inc/ eval()
#9 /etc/inc/ eval_once('stunnel_save();')
#10 /etc in /usr/local/share/pear/XML/RPC2/Client.php on line 167
No FreeBSD crash data found.
Updated by Manuel Piovan over 4 years ago
Updated by Manuel Piovan over 4 years ago
noticed now but can be the same reason as/a duplicate of
Updated by Viktor Gurov over 4 years ago
- Project changed from pfSense Packages to pfSense
- Subject changed from stunnel 5.50_5 Crash report begins on install to incorrect synchronizetoip value causes XMLRPC errors
- Category changed from stunnel to High Availability
`synchronizetoip` input validation to avoid XMLRPC errors:
Updated by Renato Botelho over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Viktor Gurov
- Target version set to 2.5.0
PR has been merged. Thanks!
Updated by Viktor Gurov over 4 years ago
error message fix:
Updated by Danilo Zrenjanin over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Tested the patch on 2.4.5-p1. It works fine.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from incorrect synchronizetoip value causes XMLRPC errors to Incorrect synchronizetoip value causing XMLRPC errors
- Category changed from High Availability to XMLRPC