Feature #12118
closedCreate a log entry when a configuration change occurs
When rules are modified, the only thing syslog sends is filterdns96878: merge_config: configuration reload. Instead, syslog should...
Updated by Jim Pingle over 3 years ago
- Assignee set to Jim Pingle
- Plus Target Version set to 21.09
Updated by Jim Pingle over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 8d51efb6b3bd2e826f8d90924c152678eadd06c0.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 3 years ago
As implemented it will log the same description which is added to the configuration already (which shows in the configuration history).
Any additional detail would have to come from separate feature requests to add more detail/specific information to the revision description when making other changes, and would not be related to this logging feature.
Updated by Max Leighton over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Tested in
21.09-DEVELOPMENT (arm64)
built on Sat Jul 24 01:10:30 EDT 2021
2.6.0-DEVELOPMENT (amd64)
built on Sat Jul 24 01:08:17 EDT 2021
I now see the following in the System Logs when making changes to firewall rules:
/firewall_rules_edit.php: Configuration Change: admin@ (Local Database): Firewall: Rules - saved/edited a firewall rule.
Marking the ticket resolved.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Send syslog on rule modification to Create a log entry when a configuration change occurs
Updating subject for release notes.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 3 years ago
- Plus Target Version changed from 21.09 to 22.01