



Bug #12144


Bug in ``df -t`` filtering if two filesystems use the same mountpoint

Added by Jim Pingle about 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

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When using RAM disks for /tmp and /var on a ZFS installation, the System Information widget on the Dashboard appears to show multiple copies of /var instead of the expected ZFS datasets mounted under /var.

This is simple to reproduce:

1. Install fresh with ZFS
2. Enable RAM disks for /tmp and /var under System > Advanced, Misc with the default values
3. Reboot

This appears to be due to a bug in df -t <type>.

The full output of df is OK:

: df -Th
Filesystem            Type     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
pfSense/ROOT/default  zfs       29G    670M     28G     2%    /
devfs                 devfs    1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
pfSense/cf            zfs       28G     96K     28G     0%    /cf
pfSense/var           zfs       28G    3.2M     28G     0%    /var
pfSense/home          zfs       28G     96K     28G     0%    /home
pfSense               zfs       28G     96K     28G     0%    /pfSense
pfSense/cf/conf       zfs       28G    616K     28G     0%    /cf/conf
pfSense/var/log       zfs       28G    188K     28G     0%    /var/log
pfSense/var/empty     zfs       28G     96K     28G     0%    /var/empty
pfSense/var/cache     zfs       28G     96K     28G     0%    /var/cache
pfSense/var/db        zfs       28G    1.1M     28G     0%    /var/db
pfSense/var/tmp       zfs       28G    104K     28G     0%    /var/tmp
/dev/md0              ufs       38M     76K     35M     0%    /tmp
/dev/md1              ufs       58M    9.5M     44M    18%    /var
devfs                 devfs    1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /var/dhcpd/dev

Filtering to only UFS shows the expected entries for /tmp and /var:

: df -Tht ufs
Filesystem  Type    Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md0    ufs      38M     76K     35M     0%    /tmp
/dev/md1    ufs      58M    9.5M     44M    18%    /var

Filtering for ZFS shows multiple copies of /var and not the datasets:

: df -Tht zfs
Filesystem            Type    Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
pfSense/ROOT/default  zfs      29G    670M     28G     2%    /
pfSense/cf            zfs      28G     96K     28G     0%    /cf
/dev/md1              ufs      58M    9.5M     44M    18%    /var
pfSense/home          zfs      28G     96K     28G     0%    /home
pfSense               zfs      28G     96K     28G     0%    /pfSense
pfSense/cf/conf       zfs      28G    616K     28G     0%    /cf/conf
/dev/md1              ufs      58M    9.5M     44M    18%    /var
/dev/md1              ufs      58M    9.5M     44M    18%    /var
/dev/md1              ufs      58M    9.5M     44M    18%    /var
/dev/md1              ufs      58M    9.5M     44M    18%    /var
/dev/md1              ufs      58M    9.5M     44M    18%    /var

N.B. The /var lines show their type as ufs which doesn't match what we asked for

This appears to be an upstream bug in df but it would be nice if we could work out a fix before the next release, either on our own or by coordinating with the maintainer of df in FreeBSD.


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