Bug #12905
openAdd VLAN Re-assignment to Import Interface Mismatch Wizard
Currently if an interface is assigned to an interface in an imported config, there is no way to re-assign the interface the VLAN is "tied" to. We should add an option to allow VLAN parent interfaces to be reassigned without manually editing the config.xml before import. Otherwise all but the most basic of configs will run into issues.
For example: If a config consists of :
WAN --> igb0
LAN --igb1
DMZ --> igb1.10
And the new interfaces are ix0 and ix1, you will be able to map WAN and LAN, but not DMZ at the config restore section under Diagnostics --> Backup and Restore. This will cause an interface mismatch which will trigger the interface assignments screen in the console no matter what you do here, forcing you to basically redo everything you already did. If this could just be mapped with something like a "assign to interface as VLAN" checkbox and allow you to check the interface, this wouldn't be an issue.
Updated by Kris Phillips almost 3 years ago
Also important to note that this would greatly improve the current situation with importing configs with discrete interfaces to Netgate appliances that utilize switchports with untagged VLANs for discrete interfaces, since they could be assigned to the parent interface on import.
Updated by Jim Pingle almost 3 years ago
There is no "interface mismatch wizard" all it does is present the existing interface assignment screen. So however this gets implemented it would have to be something completely new.
Users can do this already it's just not obvious. They need to go over to the VLANs tab, create VLANs on the new target interface, and then go back to the assign tab and move the assignments. Not ideal, but possible, unless something changed that broke that behavior. Not very scalable to a large number of VLANs, but possible.
There could be an option on the assignment screen to relocate VLAN children when reassigning but that wouldn't help cases where a VLAN parent is unassigned and the parent interfaces are only referenced on the VLANs tab, hence this needing to be something new.
I thought we already had a feature request for mass changes for VLAN parents but I'm not finding it now.
Updated by Kris Phillips 6 months ago
Customer in ticket 2923731480 is inquiring about this improvement due to complications with config portability amongst 15XX units and 7100s.
Updated by Dale Harron 6 months ago
re: ticket 2923731480 I isolated the issue of lost connectivity to the fact checking the preserve switch settings does not take into account the existence of the lagg0 lagg interface. As a result, the restore does not include a lagg0 because it is set in pfSense, not the switch config itself. As a result, not even the console can see the lagg0 interface after the restore. If you succeed in obtaining connectivity (requires a pcie nic), you can't create a lagg0 through the webconfig because it numbers it lagg1. Thus you loose complete connectivity to the XG-7100 unit during the restore. Editing the XG-1541 backup config xml and manually adding a <laggs> lagg0 corrects this issue and connectivity is maintained. When selecting preserve switch settings, you should either automatically create a lagg0 or provide another checkbox to have one created during the restore.
I would like you to note that if that pcie NIC is a dual Intel X540 10 Gbit, it will identify as ix0 and ix1, pushing the onboard interfaces up to ix2,ix3,ix4,ix5. Unfortunately the onboard coreboot firmware does not correct for this. The only way I have found to get any access to ix2->ix5 is to backup the config, edit the laggs section to change the lagg0 group from ix2,3 to ix3,4. After that the onboard switch functionality returns.
For some reason, the restore immediately goes to reboot, no opportunity is given to change interfaces. I presume this is because both the XG-1541 and the XG-7100 1U have ix0 and ix1 interfaces even though they are completely incompatible with each other unless lagg0 exists. It would be desirable to be provided the opportunity to modify the configuration before a reboot rather than go straight to a reboot. This would also offer the opportunity to reconfigure gateways to ensure internet connectivity after the restore reboot for package installation.