Bug #12905
openAdd VLAN Re-assignment to Import Interface Mismatch Wizard
Currently if an interface is assigned to an interface in an imported config, there is no way to re-assign the interface the VLAN is "tied" to. We should add an option to allow VLAN parent interfaces to be reassigned without manually editing the config.xml before import. Otherwise all but the most basic of configs will run into issues.
For example: If a config consists of :
WAN --> igb0
LAN --igb1
DMZ --> igb1.10
And the new interfaces are ix0 and ix1, you will be able to map WAN and LAN, but not DMZ at the config restore section under Diagnostics --> Backup and Restore. This will cause an interface mismatch which will trigger the interface assignments screen in the console no matter what you do here, forcing you to basically redo everything you already did. If this could just be mapped with something like a "assign to interface as VLAN" checkbox and allow you to check the interface, this wouldn't be an issue.