Bug #13738
Typo under Services/Snort/Interface Settings/WAN - Rules
Added by Danilo Zrenjanin about 2 years ago.
Updated almost 2 years ago.
Affected Plus Version:
Once at the rules selection page, the "Category Selection:" should be set to "User Forced Disabled Rules"
Hover the mouse over the icon under the "State" column.
It says "Forec-Disabled by user. Click to change rule state"
Is the affected version correct for 21.05 or was this intended to be 22.05?
- Affected Plus Version changed from 21.05 to 22.05
It was intended to be 22.05. I fixed that.
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
Can confirm this on pfSense 23.01-BETA and 22.05. This is only present when a rule is force disabled and only shows up in the "User Force Disabled Rules" menu. If you go to the menu that the rule originates from there is no typo.
- Status changed from Confirmed to Pull Request Review
- Assignee set to Christopher Cope
- Status changed from Pull Request Review to Resolved
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