Bug #13961
Virtual IP address input validation does not check for overlap with DHCP address ranges
Added by Willy Tenner almost 2 years ago.
Updated about 1 month ago.
Virtual IP Addresses
Plus Target Version:
Affected Architecture:
Firewall|Virtual IPs/Add:
When adding a Virtual IP to an interface in the WebGUI, there is no check at this point to see if there are any overlaps of the Virtual IP with existing DHCP address ranges.
Service|DHCP Server|Save:
However, in the corresponding DHCP Server menu, a check takes place when you press "Save".
Improvement: The check should also take place in the Virtual IP menu.
- Subject changed from WebGUI Adding Virtual IPs not checked against DHCP address ranges to Virtual IP address input validation does not check for overlap with DHCP address ranges
- Category changed from Web Interface to Virtual IP Addresses
- Target version set to 2.7.0
- Plus Target Version set to 23.05
You are right, if it is checked in one direction then it should be checked in both.
- Plus Target Version changed from 23.05 to 23.09
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
I've just confirmed the described behavior.
Tested against:
23.05-BETA (amd64)
built on Wed May 03 06:05:00 UTC 2023
- Target version changed from 2.7.0 to CE-Next
- Plus Target Version changed from 23.09 to 24.01
- Plus Target Version changed from 24.01 to 24.03
- Plus Target Version changed from 24.03 to 24.07
- Plus Target Version changed from 24.07 to 24.08
- Plus Target Version changed from 24.08 to 24.11
- Plus Target Version changed from 24.11 to 25.01
- Plus Target Version changed from 25.01 to 25.03
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