



New Content #15230


Gateway status Pending

Added by Danilo Zrenjanin 11 months ago. Updated 10 months ago.

Routing / Gateways
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Sometimes, the status of the gateway could be shown as Pending, in addition to the usual statuses of Online, Offline, or Warning.

I recommend including potential circumstances that could lead to a Pending gateway status.

Actions #1

Updated by Danilo Zrenjanin 11 months ago

  • Tracker changed from Todo to New Content
Actions #2

Updated by Kris Phillips 11 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed

I can confirm this behavior. Typically restarting the dpinger service will correct this issue, but if you do a release and renew on an interface with an IPv6 gateway provided by DHCPv6, it will trip this.

Also, VTI tunnels that are added as interfaces will require you to restart the dpinger service to pull them out of pending for newly added interfaces for existing tunnels that are already up.

Actions #3

Updated by Kris Phillips 10 months ago

Created related redmine for various scenarios where dpinger does not recovery properly here:

Actions #4

Updated by Jordan G 10 months ago

I can confirm this as well but am unable to get the gateway to come out of pending despite it being functional regardless of it's 'other than connected' status

Actions #5

Updated by Hal Prewitt 10 months ago

A serious bug. Appears there are many ways to get into Pending and be stuck. Spent hours trying every config change could think of (reboots, config rollback, disabling, enabling, dhcp release/refresh, unplugging/replunging cables ect) to clear the Pending status. All failed except one process. Changing Interface to the static IP & its gateway to the last known DHPC values and rebooting the WAN modem. Once online, switching back to a DHCP Interface worked.

Actions #6

Updated by Hal Prewitt 10 months ago

This Pending Status is a design error and needs to be removed. WANs/Gateways are either Online, Offline, or Warning (partial working but failing, % of loss in other words seeing errors). Perhaps there are, except I am unaware of a continuous state or condition where Pending is correct. I don't see a good reason to treat gateways differently whether or not they use DHCP or a Static IP.

Under the Interface Status tab, the display will typically show UP (working), Down (A dynamic DHCP WAN type is not fully connected or does not have an IP), No Carrier (cable is not plugged in or the device on the other end is malfunctioning in some way.). Therefore, the Status/Gateway should be Online, Offline, or Warning and never Pending.

Appears, Pending was intended to show an Interface that is using DHCP but has not yet received the IP data or there is assignment error (static IP gateways don't show Pending). However, it does not always work that way. Unplugging the port connection (cable & maybe fiber type), powering off the modem and other failures will display Pending. There is no timeout meaning this status may stay forever. There are no gateway log entries to indicate the actual statue of the gateway. Sometimes reconnection the port will clear Pending but not always. There is a big difference between having a connection while waiting for the DHCP or when there is no connection.

Another incorrect behavior, in Diagnostics/Ping or Traceroute and selecting the Pending Gateway in Source Address, will result in what appears to be a working connection. Regardless of the selection, traffic is actually using a different Interface.(assuming another one is available)

At least one cause of this bug is dpinger hanging/waiting & expecting a DHCP. It's a mistake of not detecting or identifying a disconnect (unplugged or bad cable) or dead connection (no power on the modem) from the more common just a loss of upstream internet access. It cannot distinguish between having a connection and where there is none.


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