Feature #15506
closedGEOM mirrors from previous UFS installs break ability to install with ZFS RAIDZ1 "No Disks Available"
This is similar to the problems with the offline installer as outlined here, but is also relevant to the netinstaller:
When installing to a system that previously had a GEOM gmirror using UFS, when trying to install with ZFS it will state "no disks found!".
If you exit to the rescue shell and run this command, then restart the installer, it will let you select the disks as normal for a mirror:
gmirror destroy -f pfSenseMirror
It would be helpful to prompt for the gmirror to be destroyed when attempting to reinstall with something like "Former UFS-based disk mirror detected. Would you like to destroy this mirror prior to attempting installation?"
Updated by Christopher Cope 8 months ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
Confirmed. Having this automated would make the install smoother.
Updated by Jim Pingle 7 months ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Duplicate
Already covered by internal issue 12393