



Feature #15513


Separate the branch settings for package and system updates

Added by Andrew Almond about 1 month ago. Updated about 1 month ago.

Package System
Target version:
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Currently, the repo branch is used for both packages and system updates. The branch must be set to match the currently installed pfSense version (which is done automatically now in 24.03 and up) for package installation and updates to work correctly, but now the dashboard shows "The system is on the latest version" and the update settings say "Up to date".

This creates a situation where the system looks to be up-to-date when it isn't. The user needs to go into the update settings and read what the branch options say ("Deprecated version", "Previous stable version", etc).

There branch setting for packages and the system should be independent of each other. If there is a valid reason for installing packages from a different branch than the system version then that should be configurable; otherwise, the setting should only affect the system and the package manager should automatically use the branch that matches the installed system version.

Actions #1

Updated by Kris Phillips about 1 month ago

This is a duplicate of the non-public, Netgate redmine 7479.

Actions #2

Updated by Jim Pingle about 1 month ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

This is already close to how it works now on current releases. The update check does not alter the branch used for anything, it only flags that a new release is available. Then once the user opts to change the branch, it pulls in things from the new branch. Until the user makes that manual change, packages continue to come from the repository that matches the running system.

Since the base is based on pkg content and both base and packages rely on dependencies from the same pkg repository, there is no way to completely separate the two, so this is as close as we can get.


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