Feature #1836
closedRFC 5006 support for DNS from RAs
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Need RFC 5006 support for DNS from RAs
Added by Chris Buechler over 13 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.
Need RFC 5006 support for DNS from RAs
Found this client which is even listed in the FreeBSD ports, dump the info into our filesystem and the rest is picked up automatically.
I also found patches that apply to FreeBSD for rtadvd support. That shouldn't be too hard.
Part of those are already integrated into FreeBSD HEAD.
Maybe our rtadvd is already new enough to configure those DNS server addresses.
I've added the radns port to our build. It's not in the FreeBSD port system yet so it's a pfPort for now.
rtadvd service support committed. should fix both dns server and rtadvd clients to get the same information.
radns client on hold for now until pfport is fixed. the uid and gid values radns don't exist on the builder
Client support not added yet, pfPort for it doesn't build because of uid missing that the client uses.
radns was updated and now builds fine