Bug #3384
closedNTPd should deny service if the packet spacing violates the lower limits specified in the discard command (CVE-2013-5211)
Deny service if the packet spacing violates the lower limits specified
in the discard command. A history of clients is kept using the
monitoring capability of ntpd(8). Thus, monitoring is always active
as long as there is a restriction entry with the limited flag.
Upstream bug report:
Various distributions are working around the issue in ntp.conf instead of upgrading to the development branch.
The solution would be to include "restrict.* limited" (and probably "kod" too) in /etc/inc/system.inc where it writes /var/etc/ntpd.conf
Updated by Jeroen Roovers about 11 years ago
- File etc-inc-system.inc.patch etc-inc-system.inc.patch added
Updated by Renato Botelho about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 6b6607316481aacaa055f8e4bce2ce1e520d3b1b.
Updated by Renato Botelho about 11 years ago
Applied in changeset 51922cb793b83bf7d22fdaa47205fd59b4d70e87.
Updated by Jim Pingle about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to New
- Priority changed from High to Normal
- Target version set to 2.1.1
Using limited as-is denies access to NTP clients, so this change is not viable. If you try to sync time against ntpd with limited present, it denies access. If you remove limited, it works. No errors are logged.
If an appropriate combination of discard parameters plus this statement can be formulated, we can try it, but we have to ensure we can work as an NTP server as well as a client.
We have several other changes for that CVE already committed that it may be mitigated sufficiently without this change.
Updated by ky41083 - about 11 years ago
The default values with the "limited" parameter specified only allow a client to NTP sync once every 5 seconds OR twice in a row. Seems like a lot to me, and yes, I've tested this without revision 2b8dfa4e.
Would something like this make more sense? If not, at least the comments for the values should be correct and easily tweakable. Possibly not in/on the correct line. Following values with both LAN's and ISP's in mind. Nothing should be NTP syncing on a LAN more than once every minute, but it's local so we allow some grace here. Nothing should really be NTP syncing with a public NTP server more than once every 15 minutes, but again, given the server load, we can give some grace here also.
Modified from NTP section of system.inc:
$ntpcfg .= "driftfile {$driftfile}\n";
[Access Control Commands - Start]
[Accept 2 packets in a row from same client IP]
[Accept 1 packet every 30 seconds from same client IP]
[100% Probability of discard for packets that overflow]
$ntpcfg .= "discard average 30 minimum 2 monitor 100\n";
[Access Control Commands - End]
$ntpcfg .= "restrict default kod limited nomodify notrap nopeer\n";
$ntpcfg .= "restrict -6 default kod limited nomodify notrap nopeer\n";
Or, the harder route, but also the more correct one. Add these as variables / settings to the NTP services page so we can tune our boxes as needed for the role(s) they are in.
Updated by Doktor Notor about 11 years ago
every 5 seconds OR twice in a row. Seems like a lot to me
Uhm, not really a lot when iburst is used. (8 packets are sent every 2 seconds for a server that does respond.) This is very widely used and even default configuration in many places.
Updated by ky41083 - about 11 years ago
Hey, that works. I was saying it seems like a lot from the standpoint of a public NTP server. Clearly if you have needs like that, you should setup your own NTP server that you can hammer with requests all you like :-)
I'll count that as a +1 for the "add these as variables / settings to the NTP services page" preference ;-)
Updated by Doktor Notor about 11 years ago
Keith, this iburst stuff is suggested on ntp.org site, suggested on tons of distro-specific docs, default in lots of places... What hammering? It simply makes time sync faster. Similar changes break widely used setups and are a complete no go. What are we securing here by making the thing unusable?
Updated by ky41083 - about 11 years ago
No no, I get what you're saying, and I don't disagree with it at all in the correct scenario.
But the person who opened this ticket, as well as the people responsible for the "limited" option being coded into NTPd, me, and a host of other network / data center operators clearly see a benefit in protecting pretty much any network service. Especially something as widely open as NTP (remember when SMTP relays used to be wide open too?) from accidental flooding, or even more a concern, outright DoS attacks. If it's a non-issue, why all the effort to make a solution for it?
So, if you want iburst to work, configure it that way. If you want to provide something more conservative to protect your hardware and your network for customers who don't flood your NTP servers, configure it that way.
My argument was and is, that it wasn't "completely broken", simply using limited's defaults and dropping some requests.
The second part of my argument also was and is, for easy custom settings, as opposed to a hard coded "one size fits all" preset, as was done when "limited" was added initially. Which clearly wasn't working for everyone, even though it was working just peachy for me, but in cases such as yours, was considered "completely unusable".
So, again, how about a check box to turn limited on or off, with some fill in box settings for rate control, all defaulted to off initially?
Updated by Chris Buechler almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Affected Version set to All
I believe we have adequate solutions in place here, and having discard enabled by default doesn't seem to be appropriate.
Updated by ky41083 - almost 11 years ago
Having limited enabled by default is not appropriate, and it shouldn't be the case.
Having the option to turn it on and adjust its 2 (two) parameters in the GUI seems more appropriate than having to roll your own diff for the patch system just to enable and tune it.
The current system of control is "enable all NTP always" or "disable all NTP always" by IP / interface / etc...
If that system of control was adequate, why is "limited" even an option in the NTPd binary?
Updated by Chris Buechler almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
limited is not enabled by default (the commits associated with this ticket have been backed out). Everything here is adequately addressed. In 2.1.1, it's disabled. In 2.2, it's a configurable option.
Updated by ky41083 - almost 11 years ago
I know it's not enabled by default, you said:
having discard enabled by default doesn't seem to be appropriate
inferring I thought it should be, so I was clarifying my train of thought for everyone you.
I'm glad? we'll see it in a year or two in 2.2. Hopefully its parameters will also be configurable as to not make it a useless option, twice.
Wouldn't it have been easier to just say:
Hey, it's in 2.2, we don't feel like backporting it. [Update Ticket Target Version]
Rather than
Stuff that's there is stupid, because I didn't write it, or put it there, so it must not make sense, clearly.
Btw, the ticket still lists 2.1.1 as a target. You might want to update it...
Cheers Mate