Bug #3842
closedVerdana font from the Linux package ttf-mscorefonts-installer causes rendering issues with pfSense WebGUI
After some digging, it's been found that the cause of the menu wrapping issue on Linux is due to the presence of the "Verdana" font in the CSS font selectors of the pfSense_ng and other themes, for example:
html, body, td, th, input, select { font-family: Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 0.9em; }
The base install of Ubuntu, Lubuntu, and similar distributions is OK because none of those fonts are present so the system uses another sans-serif font instead. However if the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package has been added, the browser will have Verdana available but not Tahoma, and Verdana causes the text to be a bid wider and wrap.
Removing Verdana from the list of fonts in the CSS fixes the rendering.
This affects both 2.2 and 2.1.5, so replicating the fix back 2.1.x is needed.
Updated by Grischa Zengel about 10 years ago
Is there a workaround until an update?
This issue is urgent.
Updated by Jim Pingle about 10 years ago
Check the forum, https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=81049.30 in particular.
Updated by Harry Coin about 10 years ago
The safest workaround is to go to the bother of downloading and installing the Tahoma font. Other workarounds are good only if the system you use to visit the pfsense website isn't used for much of anything else. The other workarounds involve removing fonts or packages of fonts which can break non-pfsense websites, word processing, slideshow type presentations and so forth.
Some systems appear to work if the resolution is reduced, caches are cleared and so forth but those are not sure to work across a deployment.
Use these steps to install tahoma:
Updated by Harry Coin about 10 years ago
Note before downloading and doing the above, install this package:
Updated by Jim Thompson about 10 years ago
- Assignee set to Jim Pingle
assigned to jimp, but it really should be Jared.
Of course, Jared isn't in the list.
Updated by Jim Thompson about 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from Jim Pingle to Jared Dillard
Updated by Jim Thompson about 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from Jared Dillard to Jim Pingle
Assigned back to JimP, because Jared is no longer with us.
Updated by Jim Pingle about 10 years ago
Jared put fixes into 2.2 ( 6817c18afa737e83756516a7b7c14ff5e5d85814 and 2300ee35e94bc49dff99f64133fe98cae9a4aaab ) - It seems to be OK for me there on current snapshots.
If we need to replicate those changes back to 2.1.x it will require some manual work since the commits above don't apply cleanly for a cherry-pick.
If the 2.2 part is sufficient we can probably mark this as resolved.
Updated by Chris Buechler about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
this is good in 2.2, if we do another 2.1.x release we probably want to back port that.