Bug #3973
closedRoute 53 dynamic DNS provider fails to update record
Existing records are not updating with the Route 53 dynamic DNS provider.
Records that do not exist are created properly, but then pfSense fails to update the record.
I found these errors in /tmp/PHP_errors.log, but there was no indication of failure in the system log or DynDNS page.
[02-Nov-2014 13:34:42 America/Denver] PHP Warning: Route53::changeResourceRecordSets(): Sender - InvalidChangeBatch: Tried to create resource record set [name='example.domain.org.', type='A'] but it already exists
Request Id: <removed>
in /etc/inc/r53.class on line 545
[02-Nov-2014 13:36:53 America/Denver] PHP Warning: Route53::changeResourceRecordSets(): Sender - InvalidChangeBatch: RRSet with DNS name example. is not permitted in zone domain.org.
Request Id: <removed>
in /etc/inc/r53.class on line 545
There have been several changes to the AWS Route 53 API since this class was implemented. The following files must be updated to fix this issue:
Issue #1:
The latest AWS API requires that a FQDN must be used. (Eg. "example.domain.org." rather than "example.").
Issue #2
Instead of using the CREATE/DELETE API actions, UPSERT may be used to reduce code complexity.