Bug #4605
closedOpenVPN user/pass fails if usernames and/or passwords contain special characters (reopen bugs 4177 and 4340)
The fix for bug 4177 (OpenVPN user/pass auth fails if passwords end on special characters.) doesn't completely resolve the issue.
Bug 4340 (after upgrade pfSense to 2.2, OpenVPN fails connect for login S&V (authorization by AD).) introduces the same incomplete fix from 4177 to the "username" field.
The lines in /usr/local/sbin/ovpn_auth_verify don't urlEncode the base64 encoding properly; base64 can produce three non-alphanum characters: =, + and /.
It should be:
# Base64 and urlEncode usernames and passwords password=$(echo -n "${password}" | openssl enc -base64 | sed -e 's_=_%3D_g;s_+_%2B_g;s_/_%2F_g') username=$(echo -n "${username}" | openssl enc -base64 | sed -e 's_=_%3D_g;s_+_%2B_g;s_/_%2F_g')
I believe the str_replace in /etc/inc/openvpn.auth-user.php isn't needed either.
According to: http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.get.php, anything retrieved through $_GET is automatically urlDecoded.
I'd like to suggest a comment for clarity:
/* Any string retrieved through $_GET is automatically urlDecoded */ $username = base64_decode($_GET['username']); $password = base64_decode($_GET['password']);
To duplicate the issue, please try the username and/or password: "00>00?0" to test.
Updated by Edin Sarajlic over 9 years ago
I can confirm that the issue still exists in pfSense 2.2.2.
I can also confirm that Dave Crane's solution works.
I will shortly be making a Pull Request on GitHub (credit goes to Dave Crane for the solution).
Username (provided in OP): 00>00?0
Password (my password that was causing authentication to fail): RCAQ_!m}Q]doxtU6H>cA^T?B,
What the username and password should be when base64 encoded:
$ echo -n '00>00?0' | base64 MDA+MDA/MA==
$ echo -n 'RCAQ_!m}Q]doxtU6H>cA^T?B,' | base64 UkNBUV8hbX1RXWRveHRVNkg+Y0FeVD9CLA==
As noted by Dave Crane in ticket #4177, base64 encoding can produce three non-alphanum characters: =, + and /.
These 3 characters are reserved, see "2.2. Reserved Characters" in http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3986.html . Currently after base64 encoding, only '=' is escaped/urlencoded (see: https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/blob/472669b62634acc8d2e68aa3f899b91fafd56cd4/usr/local/sbin/ovpn_auth_verify#L7).
To help test, I added some logging code to /etc/inc/openvpn.auth-user.php:
syslog(LOG_ERR, "username is (base64 encoded):". $_GET['username']); syslog(LOG_ERR, "password is (base64 encoded):". $_GET['password']);
After I'd attempted to authenticate, the log contained (notice that the '+' is missing):
openvpn: username is (base64 encoded):MDA MDA/MA== openvpn: password is (base64 encoded):UkNBUV8hbX1RXWRveHRVNkg Y0FeVD9CLA==
After applying the patch, I attempted to authenticate again. This time the log contained:
openvpn: username is (base64 encoded):MDA+MDA/MA== openvpn: password is (base64 encoded):UkNBUV8hbX1RXWRveHRVNkg+Y0FeVD9CLA==
On a final note, I'm now able to authenticate successfully with my (previously failing) password.
I've tested a few other passwords, and authentication is working correctly.
Updated by Edin Sarajlic over 9 years ago
Github Pull Request: https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/pull/1711
Updated by Edin Sarajlic over 9 years ago
Sorry, my original pull request (#1711) referenced the wrong bug number.
Please see this Github Pull Request: https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/pull/1712
Updated by Kill Bill over 9 years ago
Edin Sarajlic wrote:
Username (provided in OP): 00>00?0
I think you should read the fine POSIX. Seriously, the only thing that needs to be fixed here is preventing people ever being allowed to input similar ridiculous beep
Updated by Edin Sarajlic about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset a3d88018522c0cb30501cb5e4a18ea881230bbc9.
Updated by Chris Buechler almost 9 years ago
- Affected Version changed from 2.2.1 to 2.2.x