Bug #6982
closedNested Aliases with FQDNs do not populate parent table in some cases
In some cases a nested alias containing FQDNs does not populate the parent table until filterdns runs again at its interval.
Can be duplicated by creating an alias list similar to the attached then Status > Filter Reload and click Reload Filter.
Note that groupone will not contain any entries from grouptwo (or the nested fqdnnest11 or fqdns).
Examining those three tables reveals they are still populated with data.
As soon as filterdns runs again everything is populated.
This can be hastened by editing the filterdns interval in System > Advanced and saving. This restarts filterdns and results in an immediate run, populating the parent table.
Now remove firmware.netgate.com from grouptwo and reload the filter. All of the entries from grouptwo will now be present instead of none with the exception of fqdns and fqdnnest11. Those will not be in the table until filterdns fires again.
There are certain cases where editing aliases results in a proper, full reload and certain cases where editing them requires waiting for filterdns to run again. I have not been able to identify what does what there.