



Bug #8151


Changing name on a gateway is not allowed

Added by Roland Kletzing over 6 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

Very Low
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I want to change the name of a WAN gateway.

When editing the name field in the dialog, on save i get

"Changing name on a gateway is not allowed".

why is the name field being editable at all then or what is so more complicated with renaming instead of deleting ?

please fix renaming the gatway or provide information on how to do that without the gui.

Actions #1

Updated by Jim Pingle over 6 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to Very Low
  • Target version deleted (2.3.5)

The gateway is referenced by name throughout the configuration in places like firewall rules for policy routing, routes, gateway groups, etc. Because of the way it is referenced, changing its name is non-trivial. The field could be made static/read only though.

Actions #2

Updated by Roland Kletzing over 6 years ago

ok. i`m curious why is it so more complex to do besides renaming other things like Aliasses etc...

what can i do otherwise? what is the procedure to rename it in a safe way ?

can i edit config.xml?
how can i make sure that it get`s properly synced afterwards?

Actions #3

Updated by Jim Pingle almost 5 years ago

See also: #8218

Actions #4

Updated by Alhusein Zawi over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

copy GW option is added.

use copy GW option, change the name and save, then delete unwanted GW from GW list.

Actions #5

Updated by C Tong almost 2 years ago

Excuse provided by Jim Pingle is unacceptable. If you can't figure it out, don't say it can't be done. Your failures are your own. Solution would be to stop using the gateways name across the system and use something like a UUID instead. With the UUID being the primary identifier, all related details can be referenced through the UUID.


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