Bug #8290, make filter_expand_alias_array() return consistent results between first and second call.
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Description, make filter_expand_alias_array() return consistent results between first and second call.
Currently the 1st php call to: filter_expand_alias_array('mixed_ip_dns_alias') does not return the fixed IP's but a second call to filter_expand_alias_array('mixed_ip_dns_alias') does.. This is at least 'unexpected'.
This is a problem for haproxy 'sourceip acl' which gets or doesnt get a list of ip's/subnets depending on how the service is started..
"Restart service" leaves the list empty.
While saving a regular configuration change the lists do get filled.
When the alias consists of both ip's/subnets and hostnames the ip's/subnets are expected to be returned with the dns items filtered out..