Bug #10927
closedpfBlockerNG-devel fullfill the pfsense config history when RAM disk in use
Hi !
I set pfBlockerNG-devel to update DNSBL hourly, and it works fine.
But this hourly update use to be logged in the pfsense config history, and this cause the history to be full of pfBlockerNG-devel update, so we are unable to restore settings from other services.
On thread
A guy named John told me that is coming from the usage of RAM disk
He said "It looks like there is a issue in the pfb code (bad reference var usage in pfb_aliastables()) where it tries to create the earlyshellcmd and shellcmdsettings. Those changes never make it into the config.xml, so it just keeps trying to write them everytime pfb updates.
It might be a problem if you are using ramdisks. It is actually writing a "new" config file every time, so the logging is correct."