



Bug #12486


Editing a network interface

Added by James Chambers almost 3 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

Not a Bug
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I have a network interface just for accessing the pfSense GUI. From this network I can edit other interfaces but I am unable to make changes to the network interface I am on. Although the Router Advertisements Server is disabled in the Services menu and the "IPv6 Configuration" is set to "None" on the network interface the following message appears:

"The Router Advertisements Server is active on this interface and it can be used only with a static IPv6 configuration. Please disable the Router Advertisements Server service on this interface first, then change the interface configuration."

Related issues

Related to Bug #14967: Cannot disable Router Advertisements when the interface IPv6 configuration is set to ``None``ResolvedMarcos M

Actions #1

Updated by James Chambers almost 3 years ago

I can get around the issues by temporarily adding an IPv6 configuration.

Actions #2

Updated by James Chambers almost 3 years ago


Actions #3

Updated by Jim Pingle almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Not a Bug

This site is not for support or diagnostic discussion.

For assistance in solving problems, please post on the Netgate Forum or the pfSense Subreddit .

See Reporting Issues with pfSense Software for more information.

Actions #4

Updated by James Chambers almost 3 years ago

Sorry but I’ve searched and searched for answers already, the interface tells me to disable router advertisements and DHCPv6 Server & RA tells me “This system has none”. Is it really expected behaviour?

Actions #5

Updated by James Chambers almost 3 years ago

I see now, at some point I must have turned on RAs then turned off IPv6 for the interface I’d turned it on for. Maybe I was toying with the idea of using IPv6 on my local networks? I’ve been building on this .conf for 6-7 years now, I don’t remember turning it on but I may well have.

Actions #6

Updated by Marcos M 11 months ago

  • Related to Bug #14967: Cannot disable Router Advertisements when the interface IPv6 configuration is set to ``None`` added

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