



Feature #12963


Run nmap scans in the background

Added by Phil Wardt over 2 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

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NMap package cannot actually run from gui because of nginx timeout

This patch adds the following features:
- run nmap in background and output results to /root/nmap.result file
- do not start a new nmap session from gui until last one is completed
- add a results tab to get the last log output from nmap
- show the time of last nmap scan completion (start time is displayed by actual command output)

A github commit was pushed and linked in next comment


02-scan-exec.JPG (70.6 KB) 02-scan-exec.JPG Scan executed Phil Wardt, 03/20/2022 08:22 AM
03-scan-wait.JPG (45.4 KB) 03-scan-wait.JPG Scan wait to finish Phil Wardt, 03/20/2022 08:22 AM
01-scan.JPG (272 KB) 01-scan.JPG Scan tab Phil Wardt, 03/20/2022 08:22 AM
04-results.JPG (231 KB) 04-results.JPG Results tab Phil Wardt, 03/20/2022 08:22 AM
nmap.patch (4.64 KB) nmap.patch Phil Wardt, 03/20/2022 08:48 AM
nmap-complete.patch (5.73 KB) nmap-complete.patch Phil Wardt, 03/21/2022 07:51 AM
04-results-refresh.JPG (137 KB) 04-results-refresh.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/21/2022 07:51 AM
05-results-complete.JPG (175 KB) 05-results-complete.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/21/2022 07:51 AM
06-results-none.JPG (120 KB) 06-results-none.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/21/2022 07:51 AM
nmap-complete.patch (5.74 KB) nmap-complete.patch Phil Wardt, 03/21/2022 04:55 PM
nmap-complete-v4-ok.patch (5.7 KB) nmap-complete-v4-ok.patch Phil Wardt, 03/22/2022 03:20 PM
07-results-complete-new.JPG (147 KB) 07-results-complete-new.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/22/2022 03:24 PM
nmap-complete-v5-ok.patch (6.26 KB) nmap-complete-v5-ok.patch Phil Wardt, 03/23/2022 09:29 AM
08-delete-icon.JPG (29.8 KB) 08-delete-icon.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/24/2022 02:21 PM
02-Wait-1.JPG (193 KB) 02-Wait-1.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/28/2022 05:02 AM
01-Start.JPG (234 KB) 01-Start.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/28/2022 05:02 AM
02-Wait-2.JPG (221 KB) 02-Wait-2.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/28/2022 05:02 AM
02-Wait-3.JPG (352 KB) 02-Wait-3.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/28/2022 05:02 AM
03-Results.JPG (345 KB) 03-Results.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/28/2022 05:02 AM
03-Results-errors-only.JPG (227 KB) 03-Results-errors-only.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/28/2022 05:02 AM
03-Results-with-errors.JPG (236 KB) 03-Results-with-errors.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/28/2022 05:02 AM
nmap_scan-v15.patch (14.7 KB) nmap_scan-v15.patch Phil Wardt, 03/28/2022 05:09 AM
01-Start-options-syntax.JPG (208 KB) 01-Start-options-syntax.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/31/2022 04:00 PM
02-Start-scan-methods.JPG (302 KB) 02-Start-scan-methods.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/31/2022 04:00 PM
03-Results-Error.JPG (202 KB) 03-Results-Error.JPG Phil Wardt, 03/31/2022 04:00 PM
nmap_scan-v18.patch (23.8 KB) nmap_scan-v18.patch Phil Wardt, 03/31/2022 04:03 PM
nmap_scan-v19.patch (23.8 KB) nmap_scan-v19.patch Phil Wardt, 04/01/2022 09:51 AM
nmap_scan-v20.patch (24 KB) nmap_scan-v20.patch Phil Wardt, 04/01/2022 04:21 PM
Start.JPG (205 KB) Start.JPG Phil Wardt, 04/01/2022 04:27 PM
nmap_scan-v21.patch (24 KB) nmap_scan-v21.patch Phil Wardt, 04/02/2022 04:02 AM

Also available in: Atom PDF