Feature #3652
openOpenVPN - Dynamic IPv6 Tunnel Network
Feature: Be able to have the OpenVPN "IPv6 Tunnel Network" as a dynamically assigned IPv6 Prefix from the DHCP-PD allocation. This would function just as the LAN and OPT interfaced get their /64 from the tracked interface.
Justification: If the provider IPv6 assignment changes, you must go back and manually reconfigure the OpenVPN IPv6 /64. This feature would allow it to change dynamically, just as the LAN and OPT interfaces do. Eliminating a potential service affecting situation.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 10 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Target version changed from 2.2 to Future
Updated by Michael Geiger over 6 years ago
Feature #7281 is a duplicate of that
I would love to see this feature too. Unfortunatley it is not easy to implement in the OpenVPN side. There is a Diskussion ongoing: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/498
Maybe it is possible to implement it on the pfsense side. Listen to a prefix, write it in the OpenVPN config and (unfortunately) restart the OpenVPN Server.
So a prefix change will lead into a small interuption.
Updated by Arne M about 2 years ago
I can only confirm this, would be really helpful for people who are on IPV6 only and do not have a static prefix assigned by their provider.