



Todo #4225


Lets improve the webGUI

Added by Jim Thompson about 10 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Jared Dillard
Web Interface
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Plus Target Version:
Release Notes:


People seem to like the look and feel of the web GUI in a recent fork (which shall not be named).

Jared says it's got more functionality, too.

So let's look at improving the webGUI (possibly by studying the forked one) in the 2.3 timeframe.

Actions #1

Updated by Jim Thompson about 10 years ago

  • Subject changed from Let's' improve the webGUI to Lets improve the webGUI
Actions #2

Updated by Dmitriy K about 10 years ago

That's definitely a good news! Current webgui looks like "hello from hardcore early 90s". It would be nice to get a modern looking intuitive and informative UI.

Currently, one can't see even per core load, PPS rate per interface, connections list (yes yes, we have totally useless "states") and so on, and so on;

Would be nice to see something like Kerio Control web gui with bootstrap.

Actions #3

Updated by Andrew Stuart about 10 years ago

In addition to this, I'd say the forced change to "pfsense" is rather annoying, in that it's really simple to fat finger the wrong link, even after zooming in all the way. I'd suggest if that theme is going to stay the Mobile theme, that some more padding is added around each link to make it easier to click the right item. I believe this is only really a problem with the left navigation bar.

If the unnamed already has a fix for this, I apologize for the noise.

Actions #4

Updated by Raul Ramos almost 10 years ago

Kerio Control web gui? i pass. Bootstrap, foundation, own css/js whatever they choose is fine.

See what Ubiquiti is doing on their interfaces. Seeing makes you want to use. Simple, informative and beautiful.
I doubt that web developers from pfSense have the taste and the ability to do that, is only my opinion based on the time i have read the forums in the past years. I'm not nobody to take this into account, but i have eyes for now.

Actions #5

Updated by Jared Dillard almost 10 years ago

Raul Ramos wrote:

Kerio Control web gui? i pass. Bootstrap, foundation, own css/js whatever they choose is fine.

Bootstrap has a larger community, therefore more people will be able to contribute to the new theme easier. I have been keeping an eye on this:

I doubt that web developers from pfSense have the taste and the ability to do that, is only my opinion based on the time i have read the forums in the past years. I'm not nobody to take this into account, but i have eyes for now.

Given that I am one of said web developers, care to expand on that?

Actions #6

Updated by Chris Buechler almost 10 years ago

Raul Ramos wrote:

I doubt that web developers from pfSense have the taste and the ability to do that, is only my opinion based on the time i have read the forums in the past years. I'm not nobody to take this into account, but i have eyes for now.

Our internal web developers have barely touched the webGUI. Up until a couple years ago we didn't even have any web developers internally. Jared and Logan, our primary web guys, are very capable and good with design. What exists in the webGUI today isn't a reflection of any web developers we've ever had internally, as it all predates us having any web developers at all. The general design of themes was contributed by community members years back. That's what we're changing now, by engaging our web developers on it for the first time.

Actions #7

Updated by Jim Thompson about 9 years ago


Actions #8

Updated by Jared Dillard about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Marking as resolved. Still some clean up work to do in other tickets, but the WebGUI has largely improved in the last 11 months.

Actions #9

Updated by Chris Buechler almost 9 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Todo

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