



Bug #5527


Breadcrumb list policy

Added by Phillip Davis about 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Web Interface
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For 3-level breadcrumbs things have been done a bit inconsistently so far.
e.g. select something from main menu plus sub-menu and that thing has multiple tabs.
In some cases the display of the first (left) tab only has a 2-level breadcrumb. e.g.

a) Go to Services->DNS Resolver. The General settings tab displays first.
The breadcrumb is just:
Services / DNS Resolver

when you click other tabs it shows stuff like:
Services / DNS Resolver / Advanced

b) Go to VPN->LT2P. The Configuration tab displays
Until a moment ago the breadcrumb was:
I just did a PR that changed it to:
VPN / LT2P / Configuration

when you click other tabs it shows stuff like:
VPN /LT2P / Users

Should the convention be as per example (a) or (b) above, or?

Should the 3rd-level breadcrumb text match exactly the tab name ("Advanced settings") or can be a shortening or the first word of the tab name ("Advanced")?

If the whole system is consistent then it makes for a better user experience.

Actions #1

Updated by Jared Dillard about 9 years ago

I just came across this on the Packages page and was thinking the same exact thing. There is also a "4th tier" on Status > System Logs page that is a little unwieldy.

I think it should be option b as you described with the full name of the tab on each tier.

If the whole system is consistent then it makes for a better user experience.

I agree and have been trying to push for that. There are a few more key areas that could really improve in consistency.

Actions #4

Updated by Jim Thompson about 9 years ago

  • Assignee set to Chris Buechler

pls eval PR #2118

Actions #5

Updated by jeroen van breedam about 9 years ago

if the way i went about this, is ok. then i don't mind looking over the other places where this might be relevant. (this appears to be easy enough, for me to handle)
If theres a better way to go about it, then i'm all for that too ofcourse.

Actions #7

Updated by Jim Pingle about 9 years ago

It appears pkg.php isn't printing any breadcumbs either. Easy to see in base by going to Services > UPnP, or by installing a package that has at least one XML-based page (like the settings page in AutoConfigBackup)

Actions #8

Updated by Jared Dillard about 9 years ago

Wizards also don't have any breadcrumbs. With a little work it seems possible to have the breadcrumb change based on the current wizard page.

Actions #9

Updated by jeroen van breedam about 9 years ago

attempt at pkg_edit.php

appears to work, but would need adjustments to most of the packages titles' to deliver a uniform breadcrumb
needs someone who has a clue, to look at it more closely, to be sure it doesn't blow up anything elsewhere.

Actions #10

Updated by jeroen van breedam about 9 years ago

gently bumping this.

are pkg xml breadcrumbs sorted yet? (i haven't paid much attention last couple of days).
as more & more packages are being converted it would be good if someone decides how to get the breadcrumbs from the xml's. (otherwise they'll have to be revisted afterwards to change the titles,tabs, ...)

anyways the pr above is still available, but it needs verification/checking & optional tweaks.

Actions #11

Updated by jeroen van breedam about 9 years ago

adjusted pkg.php to include the "active-tab" in the breadcrumb. also commented code that adds 'edit' to the breadcrumb when an unset variable is not set ;)

Actions #12

Updated by jeroen van breedam about 9 years ago

pr's above have been merged and/or closed.

here's a new one:

Actions #13

Updated by jeroen van breedam about 9 years ago

another one for the wizards, as this was requested by Jared.
this is nothing more then a concept and will likely needs adjustments.

Actions #14

Updated by Chris Buechler about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

all the listed examples are fine now. I haven't noticed any others along these lines.

Actions #15

Updated by Chris Buechler about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

I don't think there are any remaining issues here.


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