



Feature #6483


Add OpenVPN redirect-gateway option for IPv6

Added by Steve Matos about 8 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

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When the OpenVPN Redirect Gateway (Force all client generated traffic through the tunnel) option is checked for an OpenVPN server and a client connects from a network with both IPv4 and IPv6 support, the IPv6 traffic not destined for the LAN network bypasses the OpenVPN tunnel.

Actions #1

Updated by Steve Matos about 8 years ago

If I add something like push "route-ipv6 2000::/3"; to my custom options it will get IPv6 to work though the tunnel, but that's kind of a hack. I'm guessing the default IPv6 gateway doesn't get pushed out upon connection.

(Note: Can someone with access please correct my spelling errors in the title?)

Actions #2

Updated by Chris Buechler about 8 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
  • Subject changed from OpenVPN Redirect Gateway Doen't work for IPv6 Traffice to Add OpenVPN redirect-gateway option for IPv6
  • Category set to OpenVPN

the existing option only adds the redirect-gateway def1, for IPv6 OpenVPN needs redirect-gateway-ipv6. That ought to be a separate checkbox as people might want one and not the other, and that way the behavior isn't changed for existing systems.

You can just add a 'push "redirect-gateway-ipv6 def1"' to the server's advanced options to accomplish that.

Actions #3

Updated by Chris Buechler about 8 years ago

also should fix the show/hide of "remote networks" fields accordingly while doing this, so only v4 shows/hides with the v4 redirect-gateway checkbox, only v6 with the v6 equivalent.

Actions #4

Updated by Greg M about 8 years ago

Chris Buechler wrote:

You can just add a 'push "redirect-gateway-ipv6 def1"' to the server's advanced options to accomplish that.

Not true.
This is NOT working, you have to add push "route-ipv6 2000::/3"; to get it working.

Actions #5

Updated by Chris Buechler about 8 years ago

Greg M wrote:

Not true.
This is NOT working, you have to add push "route-ipv6 2000::/3"; to get it working.

then that option is broken in OpenVPN itself in your case, and you should report it there.

Actions #6

Updated by Jim Pingle over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Duplicate

OpenVPN has a native flag for this now, closing in favor of #8082 since the info here is outdated and that one is current.


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