Bug #8864
SSH Guard Sensitivity/Whitelist on 2.4.4
Added by Zachary McGibbon over 6 years ago.
Updated over 6 years ago.
Affected Architecture:
I am running 2.4.4.a.20180831.0830 and noticed that my Icinga monitoring started to show issues with SSH. When I looked in the logs I saw the following:
Aug 31 17:04:09 sshguard 39986 Attack from "" on service 100 with danger 10.
Is this a new feature and if so how do I tune it to allow my Icinga server to check SSH?
Sorry I meant to put 2.4.4.a.20180831.0830 in the topic after 'SSH Guard on 2.4.4.a.20180831.0830'
- Subject changed from SSH Guard on to SSH Guard on 2.4.4.a.20180831.0830
I just want to chime in on this. I just updated my pfsense to 2.4.4 and very soon after I got notifications from my nagios system. Is there any way to whitelist IPs?
- Subject changed from SSH Guard on 2.4.4.a.20180831.0830 to SSH Guard Sensitivity/Whitelist on 2.4.4
- Target version set to 2.4.4-GS
- Affected Architecture All added
- Affected Architecture deleted (
There isn't a way to set a whitelist currently. But if your monitoring system relies on a probe that is triggering an alert, that sounds more like a problem in the monitoring system.
I sent maybe 100 probes immediately to a 2.4.4 box with that only tested the TCP port and it never triggered sshguard. I then sent a handful that caused a login failure and it tripped after only three attempts.
If your ssh test is actually causing a login failure, try changing it to one that does a simple TCP handshake instead of checking the banner or whatever else it's doing.
Well... I'm using the default check_ssh plugin of nagios. This plugin connects to the ssh server and checks before authentication if there really is a ssh server responding and what version number is reported. That in intself should not trigger an alarm. The corresponding logfile on the pfsense looks like this:
pfsense sshd[xxxxx]: Connection closed by xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 45345 [preauth]
According to the sshguard website whitelisting is possible using single IPs or using a whitelist file.
At least give the option of restarting/disabling sshguard via the interface. Right now it is a process that interferes with normal operations in a way pfsense did not before and there is no way to control this behaviour.
I found following workaround:
Would be really cool to have a proper configuration function in the webConfigurator. My monitoring systems (icinga2) gets blocked during ssh probes
Alexander Müller wrote:
I found following workaround:
- create whitelist file for sshguard following sshguards file format (https://www.sshguard.net/docs/whitelist/). put the file somewhere in the filesystem
- adjust /etc/inc/system.inc / line 1062:
- Navigate to Status > System Logs > Manage Logs and save without any changes
Would be really cool to have a proper configuration function in the webConfigurator. My monitoring systems (icinga2) gets blocked during ssh probes
Thanks! This seems to be working well enough for me for the time being.
- Status changed from New to 13
- Assignee set to Renato Botelho
Is it possible to simply disable sshguard?
- Target version changed from 2.4.4-GS to 2.4.4-p1
- Status changed from 13 to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
On 2.4.5.a.20181102.0213, works as expected. Address(es) added to the whitelist are not subject to SSH Guard detection.
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
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