Bug #11960
closedGateway Monitoring Traffic Goes Out Default Gateway
I'm using pfSense Plus 21.02.2 with a SG-3100 and XG-7100 1U. On both systems, I have dual WAN connections with gateway monitoring. I have found that if I lose the non-default gateway WAN, the "monitoring" traffic for that gateway switches over and goes out of the default gateway.
Under normal circumstances, whenever WAN1 is set to monitor and WAN2 is set to monitor, the pings for go out of the WAN1 interface and goes out of the WAN2 interface. However, if WAN2 (non-default gateway) goes down, the ping traffic automatically switches to go out of the WAN1 interface. Even after the WAN2 connection is restored (confirmed by the link-state switching to "UP" and the IP address re-populating), the "loss" continues to rise until it reaches 100%. It will STAY at 100% until either the default gateway goes down or dpinger is restarted. If dpinger is restarted, both gateways immediately show as "UP".
I have also tested this in a gateway group set to failover on packet loss or high latency. In this case, if WAN1 is the current gateway and it goes down long enough for WAN2 to become the gateway, then the monitoring traffic for WAN1 will exit the WAN2 interface. Without intervention, WAN1's gateway will remain offline indefinitely. Once dpinger is restarted, both gateways immediately show as back online.
This behavior was not observed in previous versions.