



Todo #15497


Add a bit more context to Gateway monitoring Action

Added by Mike Moore about 2 months ago. Updated 26 days ago.

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Section:Disable Gateway Monitoring Action

Its still not clear to me after all these years what this is or what its supposed to prevent.

"When set, the gateway monitoring daemon will take no action if the status of the gateway changes. For example, no events will be acted upon if it becomes unresponsive or suffers from high latency."

What action would it take? What action isnt it taking? What events will not be acted upon? Should it be enabled only on MultiWan? What about single WAN setups?
Its a setting you can change but not clear what it does from the documentation. I find myself googling as a reminder but it really should be clear in the official documentation

Actions #1

Updated by Andrew Almond about 2 months ago

I agree that more details about gateway monitoring actions would be helpful.

Expanding on this, it would be helpful to have the sequence of actions that occur in the following situations:
  1. Gateway status changes from online to offline
  2. Gateway status changes from offline to online
  3. Link/interface state changes from up to down
  4. Link/interface state changes from down to up
Actions #2

Updated by Kris Phillips 30 days ago

If the gateway monitoring action is disabled, but it's still being monitored, the gateway won't be changed from up to down based on packet loss, link loss, or latency.

This is useful for situations like a single WAN configuration where you don't want the only WAN uplink to be downed due to packet loss reaching 20% because there is no other path for traffic to go.

It's also useful for things like gateways that are internal, so should never be marked as down.

Re-reading the documentation, this seems perfectly clear to me, but I'm going to leave this open for further comment.

Actions #3

Updated by Jordan G 29 days ago

Seems good to document that it can be beneficial in the case of a single WAN connection or alternatively that it's use in multi-WAN scenarios can prevent failover from occurring as expected

Actions #4

Updated by Mike Moore 29 days ago

Adding additional color to the documentation isnt a bad thing especially when questions about gateway monitoring come up quite a bit. Theres a bit of 'Inside baseball' mentality here when looking at the documentation and thinking "its perfectly clear". It really isn't. Just need to flesh out the bits of what it is and when its useful.

Actions #5

Updated by Jim Pingle 26 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Jim Pingle
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

I added a more info in the block for that setting, should hopefully be more informative now.


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