



Bug #2919


IPv6 - WAN and LAN (DHCP-PD) does not renew address

Added by David Williams over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

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The WAN DHCP IPv6 address and LAN DHCP-PD lease time from the provider is 4 days. When the lease expires, pfSense goes through the following sequence, but never rebinds the IPv6 addressing. The result is WAN and LAN IPV6 addresses is lost and never recovers.

1) Initially, a DHCPv6 SOLICIT is sent. The DHCPv6 server replies with the expected addressing to be renewed.

2) Five seconds later, a DHCPv6 REBIND is sent. There is never a RENEW, it immediately goes to REBIND. Again, the DHCPv6 server replies with the expected addressing to be renewed.

3) Now pfSense keeps sending DHCPv6 SOLICITs. The DHCPv6 server is responding, but pfSense never binds.

This just continues until pfSense is rebooted.


syslog.txt (9.8 KB) syslog.txt rsyslog during renewal Don Simpson, 04/16/2013 11:14 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Alex Fox over 11 years ago

Either this issue or something similar happens when you change anything on the WAN interface settings page and hit apply.

Actions #2

Updated by Daniel Becker over 11 years ago

Seeing the same issue with recent snapshots (second week of April) on my Comcast home connection.

Actions #3

Updated by Don Simpson over 11 years ago

I saw this issue with the April 12th snapshot. As an additional data point, I'm attaching a rsyslog snip from the renewal time. Seems pretty bad. OpenVPN, DNSMasq, and NTPD each get restarted. RADVD goes down and doesn't come back. After which time it is gone from the services menu. Indeed the IPv6 LAN address of pfsense is gone.

Actions #4

Updated by Renato Botelho over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Please test it again with tomorrow's (May 9) snapshots.

Actions #5

Updated by David Williams over 11 years ago

Have installed ..

2.1-BETA1 (amd64)
built on Thu May 9 07:06:51 EDT 2013

... will need 4 days uptime to validate the fix (the dhcp-pd lease time).

Actions #6

Updated by Erik Mueller over 11 years ago

Connectivity now persists through the DHCPv6 renewal process, radvd stays up.

Sadly, the connection is still not usable: Every time a refresh occurs (which is approximately every 15 minutes for me, the ISP is Deutsche Telekom) the state table seems to be dropped, regardless of whether or not the prefix has actually changed. This causes all TCP connections on the clients (including IPv4, which should not be affected) to time out.

Actions #7

Updated by David Williams over 11 years ago

Not a good fix. Behavior is the same. At the expiration of the 4 day lease, the LAN and WAN IPv6 addressing does not renew and is removed. This is on Comcast.

Actions #8

Updated by Daniel Becker over 11 years ago

Similar results here, also on Comcast: The LAN interface eventually loses its IPV6 address, and radvd disappears from the list under services->status.

Actions #9

Updated by Renato Botelho over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to New
Actions #10

Updated by David Williams over 11 years ago

I have been testing with m0n0wall (1.8.1b540) and it does not have this problem. Perhaps the teams can collaborate to determine what is being done differently and that could be used for a fix to pfSense.

Actions #11

Updated by Ermal Luçi over 11 years ago

Can you test again with latest snapshots and see if this is fixed?

Actions #12

Updated by Daniel Becker over 11 years ago

This seems to have been working fine for me on Comcast Home for the past few snapshots that I've tried. After > 8 days uptime and at least one renew, IPv6 connectivity continued to work on both the WAN and the LAN side.

Actions #13

Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago

Just updated to June 24 release (details below) and IPv6 connectivity -still - does not work. Am on Comcast service and can get IPv6 address if connect computer (mac) directly to cable modem (ZOOM 5341J) -

2.1-RC0 (i386)
built on Mon Jun 24 02:46:42 EDT 2013
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p8

Actions #14

Updated by Daniel Becker over 11 years ago

Robert Guerra wrote:

Just updated to June 24 release (details below) and IPv6 connectivity -still - does not work. Am on Comcast service and can get IPv6 address if connect computer (mac) directly to cable modem (ZOOM 5341J) -

That seems unrelated to this particular issue (--> renew), though?!

Actions #15

Updated by David Williams over 11 years ago

For the very first time, I have been able to go over 4 days without loosing IPv6 addressing. This is very positive, but I would need to run longer before calling it fixed. Currently on ...

2.1-RC0 (amd64)
built on Mon Jun 24 04:05:41 EDT 2013

Actions #16

Updated by Ermal Luçi over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Jun 4 snapshots are even better for this.

Actions #17

Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago

Glad to report that the firmware update I just installed (details below) seems to work.

Will continue to monitor the status to make sure IPv6 address is not lost after 4 days.

2.1-RC0 (i386) 
built on Thu Jul 4 03:04:00 EDT 2013 
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p8
Actions #18

Updated by Daniel Becker over 11 years ago

IPv6 connectivity appears to survive the 4-day mark (renew) for me at this point. However, I am seeing an issue where temporary loss of upstream connectivity by the cable modem results dhcp6c quitting and never getting restarted, so pfSense loses IPv6 until the next reboot.

More details in this forum post .

Actions #19

Updated by David Williams over 11 years ago

At this point, I am no longer seeing any problems.

1) DHCP-PD IPv6 addressing has survived multiple renewals.

2) The IPv6 address survives loss of cable modem connectivity (I have restarted the CM multiple times)


Actions #20

Updated by Chris Buechler over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

Thanks for the feedback. I also have done some experimentation and haven't seen any issues, looks like this issue is good.

Actions #21

Updated by Daniel Becker over 11 years ago

The IPv6 address may survive the loss of connectivity to the cable modem (i.e., from pfSense's point of view, link goes down and back up). However, what myself and others are still seeing is that it does not survive loss of upstream connectivity (i.e., cable modem stays up, but cannot talk to ISP).

A forum thread with more details is here .

Should this issue be re-opened, or should we file a separate ticket for this?


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