Bug #6432
closedRelative distinguished names should accept unicode during CA creation.
I found improper behavior during creation of CA.
Data that was used to create CA:
emailAddress=xxxxx@idium.no, ST=Malopołska, O=Idium Polska, L=Kraków, CN=Idium Polska Internal Certificate Authority, C=PL
After save configuration certificate didn't appeared in System -> Cert. Manager -> CAs, also none of the error code/info was returned (there was several attempts).
Problem was solved using ASCI letters in ST and L names, but both of that relative distinguished names should accept unicode characters.
System: Netgate SG-4860
Version: 2.3.1-RELEASE-p1 (amd64) built on Wed May 25 14:56:42 CDT 2016 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p3
CPU Type: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2558 @ 2.40GHz
Updated by Sean McBride almost 8 years ago
I hit this exact problem too.
It would be nice to at least improve the error message to state which characters are currently allowed. I'll take a stab at creating such a patch...
Updated by Sean McBride over 7 years ago
To be clear, what's the fix? Does it merely warn to use only ASCII, or does it now support Unicode properly?
Updated by Marcel Hellwig over 7 years ago
If you look at the associated revisions you'll see, that he only wants A-Z, a-z, space, underscore, and dash
That's not a solution for this problem!