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# Project Tracker Category Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
15941 pfSense Plus Feature Unknown New Normal /etc/rc.dumpon 12/21/2024 03:55 PM Actions
15940 pfSense Bug DHCP (IPv4) Incomplete Normal Static DHCP Binding not working and DHCP Leases not showing with 24.11 Release 12/19/2024 02:10 PM Actions
15939 pfSense Packages Bug pfBlockerNG New Normal In some circumstances empty and unnamed IPv4/v6 and DNSBL lists are added unexpectedly 12/18/2024 05:52 AM Actions
15938 pfSense Packages Bug pfBlockerNG New Low It's possible to add DNSBL Virtual IP with subnet mask if to use Restore Configuration option in Diagnostics -> Backup&Restore 12/18/2024 05:41 AM Actions
15937 pfSense Bug Certificates Incomplete Normal Unable to assign CA issued certificate to a web configurator 24.03 Azure appliance 12/17/2024 02:25 PM Actions
15934 pfSense Feature DHCP (IPv4) New Low Kea Lease Reclamation and Affinity Options (IPv4 and IPv6) Christian McDonald 12/26/2024 12:14 PM Actions
15932 pfSense Packages Bug haproxy Incomplete Normal HAProxy entries disappear 01/14/2025 07:31 PM Actions
15930 pfSense Bug IPsec Incomplete Normal Mobile IPsec clients can't connect after gateway failover 12/21/2024 07:40 PM Actions
15929 pfSense Feature DNS Resolver New Low Unbound QUIC / HTTPS support 12/13/2024 07:07 PM Actions
15925 pfSense Bug DNS Resolver Feedback Normal DNS Resolver option for Query Name Minimization cannot be disabled Marcos M 01/19/2025 02:32 AM Actions
15924 pfSense Bug Rules / NAT In Progress Normal SCTP states not purged causing subsequent SCTP INIT to be blocked Kristof Provost 12/17/2024 08:34 PM Actions
15922 pfSense Feature Aliases / Tables New Normal Allow using dhcp mappings in host aliases for any service 12/10/2024 07:44 PM Actions
15916 pfSense Packages Bug pfBlockerNG New Normal pfBlockerNG dnsbl daemon not able to start in CARP mode 12/09/2024 04:49 PM Actions
15909 pfSense Packages Regression Tailscale New Normal tailscale interface assignment prevents the upgrade from 24.03 to 24.11 Christian McDonald 12/06/2024 07:13 PM Actions
15906 pfSense Bug IPv6 Router Advertisements (radvd/rtsold) New Normal After an IPv6 prefix and IP change on the WAN interface the LAN interface IPs and delegated IPv6 prefixes don’t get updated 12/06/2024 12:48 PM Actions
15904 pfSense Feature DHCP (IPv4) New Normal Built-in Captive Portal Support for RFC8910, DHCP option 114 in Kea. 12/17/2024 11:10 AM Actions
15900 pfSense Bug Web Interface New Normal After an IPv6 prefix and IP change on the WAN interface the old deprecated IPv6 address is shown on Dashboard->Interfaces and Status->Interfaces 12/05/2024 03:43 PM Actions
15899 pfSense Plus Regression LAGG Interfaces Incomplete Low LAGG LACP - adding a member stops DHCP from working 12/09/2024 02:15 PM Actions
15898 pfSense Regression XMLRPC Confirmed High Membership of users in group 'admins' is not synced to backup system 12/05/2024 03:35 PM Actions
15896 pfSense Bug Gateway Monitoring Incomplete Normal Dpinger state reset 12/22/2024 02:47 AM Actions
15891 pfSense Packages Feature Nut New Normal NUT driver list update 12/03/2024 01:05 AM Actions
15884 pfSense Plus Feature DHCP Server (IPv4) Confirmed Very Low Features Request - DHCP multiple subnet support | Relay forces you to disable server for all networks. Christian McDonald 12/01/2024 01:09 AM Actions
15880 pfSense Plus Regression Upgrade Feedback Normal Upgrade available LED not set before branch is selected. Luiz Souza 11/27/2024 07:04 PM Actions
15879 pfSense Todo NTPD New Low Update NTP widget time in-place 11/27/2024 07:30 PM Actions
15870 pfSense Plus Bug Operating System New Normal Azure: VM backups fail 11/26/2024 05:33 PM Actions
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