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# Project Tracker Category Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
11379 pfSense Feature Captive Portal New Normal Template Roll Printer 02/07/2021 05:26 AM Actions
11377 pfSense Packages Bug FRR Pull Request Review Normal FRR deinstall 03/10/2021 08:21 AM Actions
11375 pfSense Packages Bug apcupsd New Normal UPS Type <BLANK> for USB APC 02/26/2021 11:10 AM Actions
11363 pfSense Bug Installer New Normal Clean Install 2.5.0 fails due to hardware incompability 02/04/2021 11:06 AM Actions
11352 pfSense Bug FreeBSD New Low CTF types > 2^15 in the pfSense kernel config results in DTrace failing Scott Long 03/17/2021 02:52 AM Actions
11335 pfSense Bug Interfaces New Normal Spoofing the MAC on a LAGG interface does not work for some NIC types. 01/29/2021 09:10 AM Actions
11331 pfSense Packages Bug FreeRADIUS Feedback Normal FreeRADIUS latest package upgrade broke Plain Mac Authentication Viktor Gurov 01/30/2021 10:08 AM Actions
11324 pfSense Feature Logging New Normal Separate syslog "Remote log servers" Parameters 01/27/2021 10:47 AM Actions
11302 pfSense Feature WireGuard New Normal WireGuard XMLRPC sync 10/16/2024 10:30 AM Actions
11301 pfSense Packages Feature FRR Feedback Normal Switch FRR to use default rc file as a service control base Jim Pingle 01/28/2021 09:35 AM Actions
11296 pfSense Bug Routing New Normal Static route targets may still reachable via default route when the gateway they should route through is down 11/17/2022 02:36 PM Actions
11280 pfSense Todo WireGuard New Normal Add WireGuard to ALTQ list 04/27/2021 12:32 PM Actions
11270 pfSense Feature VPN (Multiple Types) New Low Consider integrating Nebula mesh VPN 01/20/2021 03:34 PM Actions
11262 pfSense Feature Rules / NAT New Normal Time Based Rules - selects all days in the current month 04/27/2021 12:32 PM Actions
11261 pfSense Packages Bug pfBlockerNG New Normal pfBlockerNG ASN numbers in IPv4 (/IPv6) Custom_List generate error(s) "Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 7" 01/28/2021 08:34 AM Actions
11260 pfSense Packages Feature pfBlockerNG New Normal pfBlockerNG: predefined ASN groups for Google, Facebook, Apple, etc with useful selections 01/18/2021 03:46 PM Actions
11257 pfSense Feature Upgrade New Normal Installed Packages: Update all button 01/18/2021 10:45 AM Actions
11243 pfSense Feature Interfaces New Normal individual pfctl snort2c tables per interface only blocking IPs for specific interface when a rule triggers in snort/suricata 01/14/2021 03:02 PM Actions
11235 pfSense Packages Bug Filer New Normal Filer run script when "state" unchanged 01/08/2021 07:24 AM Actions
11232 pfSense Bug Operating System New Normal Fix pfSense_fsync 01/08/2021 08:53 AM Actions
11227 pfSense Packages Feature pfBlockerNG New Normal Feeds update 01/07/2021 12:11 AM Actions
11213 pfSense Feature Gateways New Low Option to mark gateway as down directly from Table 01/03/2021 07:09 AM Actions
11209 pfSense Packages Feature pfBlockerNG New Normal pfBlockerNG soft blocking 01/01/2021 02:07 PM Actions
11203 pfSense Bug Certificates New Normal certificate manager very slow 12/31/2020 11:57 AM Actions
11200 pfSense Packages Feature Squid New Normal Squid reverse proxy + multiple ssl certificates 12/31/2020 03:50 AM Actions
(1126-1150/1919) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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