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# Project Tracker Category Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
15785 pfSense Packages Todo FRR New Low upgrade to frr10 10/17/2024 11:59 AM Actions
15784 pfSense Feature Web Interface New Normal Poor contrast between enabled and disabled firewall rules 10/15/2024 11:50 AM Actions
15780 pfSense Todo Dashboard Pull Request Review Normal Speed up MBUF Usage command in system information widget 01/27/2025 04:05 PM Actions
15776 pfSense Feature Aliases / Tables Feedback Normal System Aliases for various reserved networks Marcos M 12/13/2024 04:36 PM Actions
15775 pfSense Packages Bug FreeRADIUS New Normal Freeradius + LDAP authentification conditions 10/11/2024 12:58 PM Actions
15773 pfSense Packages Bug Lightsquid Incomplete High Lightsquid stoped gererating reports after upgrade do pfSense 2.7.2 10/30/2024 07:59 PM Actions
15770 pfSense Bug Traffic Shaper (Limiters) Incomplete Normal Limiter Limits Whole Gateway instead of Single IP 10/30/2024 08:51 PM Actions
15769 pfSense Plus Bug IPsec New High IPsec DNS gateway changes causes all tunnel restarts 10/07/2024 06:42 PM Actions
15766 pfSense Plus Feature Logging New Normal Restore previous queries 10/04/2024 08:33 PM Actions
15761 pfSense Feature VPN (Multiple Types) New Normal Tailscale failover 10/03/2024 08:36 PM Actions
15759 pfSense Bug Operating System New Normal CVE-2024-43102 umtx Kernel panic or Use-After-Free 10/02/2024 04:37 PM Actions
15758 pfSense Packages Bug OpenVPN Client Export New Normal openVPN client exporting for another user and fails to work with ldap. 10/03/2024 07:58 AM Actions
15757 pfSense Bug Dashboard Confirmed Normal Incorrect dashboard column spacing when using five columns 01/27/2025 04:06 PM Actions
15756 pfSense Packages Bug ntop Confirmed Very High NTOPNG db sits in ramdisk on pfsense, filling it up and crashing pfsense 10/25/2024 07:49 AM Actions
15753 pfSense Bug Interfaces New Low WAN uptime ppp shows no uptime / shows - for uptime 09/30/2024 12:40 PM Actions
15746 pfSense Bug IPv6 Router Advertisements (radvd/rtsold) New Normal IPv6 is not deprecated on PPPoE Periodic Reset 11/24/2024 12:46 PM Actions
15745 pfSense Feature Authentication New Normal Add User Manager Setting to control Remote Authentication fallback behavior 09/26/2024 12:56 PM Actions
15741 pfSense Plus Bug Logging Incomplete Low Firewall Logs reporting high volume of rule (@0) entries on OpenVPN interface 09/27/2024 09:44 PM Actions
15737 pfSense Plus Bug SNMP New Normal Xen NICs Don't Properly Report Speed 09/19/2024 11:09 PM Actions
15736 pfSense Docs Todo User Management / Authentication New Normal Feedback on pfSense® software Configuration Recipes — IPsec Remote Access VPN Example Using IKEv2 with EAP-RADIUS 09/19/2024 09:46 PM Actions
15734 pfSense Bug Logging New Normal Syslog priority levels shouldn't default to ERR 09/19/2024 03:43 PM Actions
15731 pfSense Packages Regression haproxy Confirmed Normal HAProxy widget shows age and ID in hex 12/15/2024 03:16 AM Actions
15730 pfSense Packages Bug pfBlockerNG New Normal DNSBL custom_list not working 09/17/2024 10:17 AM Actions
15720 pfSense Packages Bug Zabbix New Normal Zabbix Proxy only allows selecting RSA certificates 09/16/2024 10:25 AM Actions
15716 pfSense Packages Bug FRR Confirmed Normal FRR BFD echo mode is not working 11/09/2024 09:13 AM Actions
(101-125/1940) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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