Bug #3670
closedIPv6 DHCP-PD over PPPoE non functional + radvd core dump + solution
So i've been working through this for a couple of evenings now and have a working, reliable configuration requiring a number of patches.
Version pfSense 2.1.3-RELEASE.
My ISP (Internode) offers the following IPv6 configuration:
Here's what you get when your connection is set up for IPv6: Your existing IPv4 address (if static) and any existing framed route(s). A dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 PPP session. A dynamic /64 IPv6 prefix for your PPP session. A static /56 IPv6 prefix for your LAN (if you are using a router with Prefix Delegation).
pfSense Configuration:
-- WAN --
IPv4 Configuration Type: PPPoE
IPv6 Configuration Type: DHCP6
Use IPv4 connectivity as parent interface: Yes
Request only a IPv6 prefix: No
DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation size: 56
Send IPv6 prefix hint: No
-- LAN --
IPv4 Configuration Type: Static IPv4
IPv6 Configuration Type: Track Interface
Track...IPv6 Interface: WAN
Problem 1: Incorrect identification of WAN IPv6 interface
The get_interface_ipv6 function in /etc/inc/interfaces.php incorrectly identifies the WAN interface as the physical hardware interface (re0 in my case) rather than the pppoe0 interface.
As a result, no global IPv6 address can be found (empty $ifcfgipv6) while an incorrect /var/etc/radvd.conf file is generated (among other things like the global WAN IPv6 address not being displayed in the GUI even though ifconfig pppoe0 shows one - see this bug https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/3556).
Solution 1: $realif should equal pppoe0 rather than re0
[2.1.3-RELEASE][root@pfsense]/etc/inc: diff interfaces.inc.pfsense interfaces.inc 4526c4526 < $realif = get_real_interface($interface, "inet6", true); --- > $realif = get_real_interface($interface, "inet6", false);
You should now see a global IPv6 address under the WAN interface in GUI Dashboard.
Note: the above patch might be incorrect for other configurations.
Problem 2: dhcp6c configuration
Including (empty?) stateful (ia-na) DHCP6 configuration interferes with PD (ia-pd) and may be the cause of multiple dhcp6c processes (or could be related to this?: https://redmine.pfsense.org/projects/pfsense/repository/revisions/9b6010ffc526f4106bc423c8cd8fff12b9ad4cee)
Solution 2: Remove stateful configuration (for now)
[2.1.3-RELEASE][root@pfsense]/etc/inc: diff interfaces.inc.pfsense interfaces.inc 3501,3502d3500 < if(!isset($wancfg['dhcp6prefixonly'])) < $dhcp6cconf .= " send ia-na 0; # request stateful address\n"; 3512,3514d3509 < if(!isset($wancfg['dhcp6prefixonly'])) < $dhcp6cconf .= "id-assoc na 0 { };\n";
Problem 3: radvd configuration
Definately one, potentially two configuration parameters cause PD to fail; AdvOtherConfigFlag on prevents auto-configuration of non-address information (DNS, default route?) while AdvRouterAddr on sends interface address instead of network prefix.
Solution 3: Remove these bad boys for a PD config
[2.1.3-RELEASE][root@pfsense]/etc/inc: diff services.inc.pfsense services.inc 253d252 < $radvdconf .= "\tAdvOtherConfigFlag on;\n"; 257d255 < $radvdconf .= "\t\tAdvRouterAddr on;\n";
After applying the above i've had a solid IPv6 connection that survives "pfSense package system has detected an ip change" and reliably deligates my IPv6 prefix to LAN.