



Bug #5721


ALTQ fails with "bandwidth for q... higher than interface" in some circumstance

Added by Nikolai Fiedler about 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Very High
Traffic Shaper (ALTQ)
Target version:
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After the Upgrade from 2.2.5-RELEASE (amd64) to 2.2.6-RELEASE I get the following when I reboot my box.

There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:52: errors in queue definition - The line in question reads [52]: queue qInternet on re2 bandwidth 150000Kb hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 150000Kb , upperlimit 150000Kb ) { qACK, qP2P, qVoIP }
There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:52: errors in queue definition - The line in question reads [52]: queue qInternet on re0 bandwidth 150000Kb hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 150000Kb , upperlimit 150000Kb ) { qACK, qP2P, qVoIP }

This is the current configuration from 2.2.5-RELEASE (amd64)

altq on re0 hfsc queue { qLink, qInternet }
queue qLink on re0 bandwidth 20% qlimit 500 hfsc ( ecn , default )
queue qInternet on re0 bandwidth 150000Kb hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 150000Kb , upperlimit 150000Kb ) { qACK, qP2P, qVoIP }
queue qACK on re0 bandwidth 19.59% hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 19.59% )
queue qP2P on re0 bandwidth 4.8975% hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 4.8975% , upperlimit 4.8975% )
queue qVoIP on re0 bandwidth 32Kb hfsc ( ecn , realtime 3Mb )

altq on  re2 hfsc queue {  qLink,  qInternet  } 
queue qLink on re2 bandwidth 20% qlimit 500 hfsc ( ecn , default )
queue qInternet on re2 bandwidth 150000Kb hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 150000Kb , upperlimit 150000Kb ) { qACK, qP2P, qVoIP }
queue qACK on re2 bandwidth 19.59% hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 19.59% )
queue qP2P on re2 bandwidth 4.8975% hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 4.8975% , upperlimit 4.8975% )
queue qVoIP on re2 bandwidth 32Kb hfsc ( ecn , realtime 3Mb )
altq on  re1 hfsc bandwidth 5000Kb queue {  qACK,  qDefault,  qP2P,  qVoIP  } 
queue qACK on re1 bandwidth 19.874% hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 19.874% )
queue qDefault on re1 bandwidth 9.937% hfsc ( ecn , default )
queue qP2P on re1 bandwidth 4.9685% hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 4.9685% , upperlimit 4.9685% )
queue qVoIP on re1 bandwidth 32Kb hfsc ( ecn , realtime 1Mb ) _

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